Training seminar on emergency surgery

Emergency training seminar 2nd edition

  •   During 4 days top israelis surgeons trained Cameroonian doctors in Emergency surgery
    Compared with other health services, emergency trauma centers worldwide and in Cameroon in particular take more responsibilities and missions. Trauma is a life-threatening ''modern disease'' and has become one of the causes of death in Cameroon. Motor vehicle crashes, industrial accidents, fatalities caused by road traffic accidents call for a prompt intervention in emergency surgery centers. With the upcoming African Nations Cup 2021 and the crisis in the Extreme North, North West and South West regions of Cameroon, the 2nd edition of the emergency surgery training was of vital importance to the Cameroonian surgeons in this field. The first edition, which took place in July 2019, was successful and two Cameroonian surgeons were later selected by the Embassy for a one-month intensive training in Israel. The main goal of this year's training seminar was to enable all surgeons deal with emergency care and trauma surgery in the best possible way.
    This training was put in place by the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon; the Italian Cooperation Agency; the German Embassy in Cameroon and  the Yaounde Central Hospital with the partnership of the Israeli Surgical Association and the World Society for Emergency Surgery. The team of instructors was led by Prof. Doron KOPELMAN and consisted of six Israeli surgeons and an Italian surgeon. They all have a long specific experience in emergency care and trauma surgery, each in their own particular field. The cooperation among these instructors was useful to ensure a uniform standard training. The course lasted for 4 days and was restricted to 73 participants coming from all over the ten Cameroonian regions who were mainly General Surgeons, post-graduate students of surgery and Nurses.
    The opening ceremony took place at the Central Hospital followed by the first training course at the seminar hall. The course consisted of theoretical, practical and video lectures, workshops, pre-lecture discussions focusing on trauma management and acute care surgery, as this usually involves the General Surgeon, while specific topics, such as surgical respiratory evaluation and support, acute abdominal surgery, principles and role of orthopaedic cases in MCI etc. were addressed. Simulated clinical cases were presented and discussed to bring together all the topics and enabled the introduction of interactive debate on pre-operative management, optimization, and decision-making. The Israeli surgeons performed life-saving surgeries with their Cameroonian colleagues inside and outside the hospital, which were very useful in the capacity building and improvement of the surgeons' confidence in managing trauma patients.
    The closing ceremony witnessed the presence of the Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Israel M. Simon SEROUSSI; the Israeli Course Coordinator Prof. Doron KOPELMAN; the German Ambassador H.E Dr. Hans Dieter STELL; the Italian Deputy Chief of Mission Danilo GIURDANELLA and the Director of the Central Hospital Prof. FOUDA Joseph. They judged the training very useful and an efficient model to improve knowledge about emergency care surgery and trauma management. The Cameroonian Medias who interviewed the organizers and the participants covered the event. The latter indicated their satisfaction and defined the course as ''highly relevant'' as they received their end of course diplomas.