Training Seminar on Journalism audivisuals

Seminar on Audiovisual Journalism at IFP-MA OBALA

  •   First encounter of H.E Isi YANOUKA  with young talented Camerounians at the IFP-MA Obala
    Training seminar on audiovisual journalism and the signing of a Partnership Agreement between the Israeli television channel i24NEWS in French and the Professional Institute for Audiovisual Professions IFP-MA in Obala.
    In the framework of strengthening bilateral ties between the State of Israel and Cameroon, the Embassy of Israel in collaboration with Institut Professionnnelle des Metiers de l'Audiovisuel- IFP- MAof 'Obala, a training seminar on audiovisual journalism was organised by the Embassy of Israel in collaboration with the Institut Professionnnelle des Metiers de l'Audiovisuel- IFP- MA d'Obala from 09 to 12 March 2020. This training seminar offered in the form of a seminar-workshop brought together more than 15 young learners from the institution and the training was based on four modules selected by the Israeli journalist Maël BENOLIEL, a senior reporter of the Israeli television channel i24NEWS who came all the way from Israel. Throughout the week, the young participants received theoretical and practical courses as well as fieldwork and exchange of experience. The aim of this training was to raise up a young generation of “managers and actors” capable of thinking, configuring and inserting media, especially television into the new world. The seminar will involve the participation of institutional partners such as CRTV, Vox Africa, H-Production, Lékié FM, GS Les Bambins, MC2 OBALA, Tribunal de Monatélé, Festival de film RIFIC and Critique de Cinéma.
    Since 2015, IFP-MA of Obala has been the first vocational training school in the city of Obala, offering quality training in the audiovisual sector and meeting international training standards and requirements. A ceremony was held on Thursday 12 March 2020 and focused on 4 major events: The closing of the master class hosted by Mael BENOLIEL, Israeli senior reporter of the i24NEWS;
    o The celebration of the fifth anniversary of IFP-MA of Obala;
    o Award of diplomas to the participants;
    o The signing of the Partnership Agreement between the Israeli television channel of the French editor of i24NEWS and the Professional Institute of Audiovisual Professions IFP-MA of Obala.
    After almost a month in Cameroon, H.E Isi YANOUKA, Ambassador of Israel to Cameroon was pleased with his first visit at the Institute of Professional Training in audiovisual sector -IFP-MA of Obala accompanied by his Deputy Chief of Mission H.E Simon SEROUSSI and the delegation of the Embassy. "This is my first official visit and I am happy to meet with young Cameroonians of Obala in their study environment," he said. It is also with great pride that His Excellency signed a Partnership Agreement between the Israeli television channel i24NEWS in French and the Professional Institute of Audiovisual Professions IFP-MA of Obala.
    This agreement will enable students take part in internship programs at the i24News central editorial office in Israel and will pave the way for future training sessions at the Institute by Israeli technicians and journalists. Mael BENOLIEL is the first example.
    Created in 2013, the i24 television channel set itself the goal of rising to the standard of international channels and offering a new perspective of Israel and related issues. Today i24 has its fingerprints in the United States, France, Israel, Belgium, London and especially in Obala. The Institute of Audiovisual Professions was created in 2015 and it is therefore two young institutions that are holding hands in order to enhance each other.
    Mr. George BINELLI, the Director/Founder of the said institution congratulated the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon for its strong policy of support to the young people of Obala. Also, he did not fail to recall the efforts of the Embassy in accelerating the cooperation process between the Israeli television channel i24NEWS and the IFP-MA of Obala because thanks to its multifaceted actions and policies, the training institute was able to host i24NEWS represented by Maël David BENOLIEL who brought the international touch into the training institute.
    "Thank you i24NEWS; through this cooperation, our students see the world opening up to them… and long live Israeli-Cameroonian cooperation," he stressed.