Theatre performance ''Best Friends'' by Anat Gov

''Best Friends'' by Anat Gov in Cameroon

  •   ''Best Friends'' by Anat Gov performed in Cameroon by the talented Atelier4 Production team


     Within the framework of bilateral cooperation in its cultural component with Cameroon, during the National Festival of Arts and Culture in November 2016 (FENAC), the Embassy of Israel in partnership with the Company '' NGOTI '' ( Cameroonian theater Group), had realized for the first time in Cameroon and in the sub-region Central Africa, the presentation of an Israeli play entitled "Ulysses in Gaza". 
    It was on 8th November 2016 at the Cameroon Cultural Center (CCC) on the occasion crowded with people, that the Grand Premier of the event took place and had a remarkable success. 
     The Embassy of Israel has continued in this initiative and has established cooperation with ATELIER4 for a second performance.  The director of this Workshop and the theatre director choosed the very famous play of Anat Gov of late memory.  This play, very popular in Israel, has marked generations and continues to raise the current problems of our society, such as the sincerity of friendship, love, hatred, jealousy, women's emancipation ...
     In short, '' Best Friends '' translated from the French '' Les Meilleurs Amies '' is the story of thirty years of close friendship between Sophie,Tirzah and Lelly, arriving at an astonishing end.
     This is how the Grand Première, which took place on 24th May  was attended by distinguished guests and the Cameroonian cultural public, who massively honored the presence of this cultural event was not disappointed.
     Even if for the director this work remains to be perfect, the impressions gathered from the public converge to emphasize that the theatrical representation was magnificent, the actors were up to it and they were able to convey strong emotions, where the joy was alongside the Sadness, at the same time desolation gave way to celebration. 

    The project thus made it possible, firstly, to strengthen the bilateral relations between Israel and Cameroon, especially in its cultural aspect, since the approach of the New Ambassador HE Ran GIDOR is intended to be much more integrative and is not limited solely to the political aspects of Cooperation between our two States;  Then to enhance the profile of Cameroonian culture through its  Diversified actors as it is a question of giving the Cameroonian artists the opportunity to express themselves and show their talent;  And finally to take notice and raise awareness of the existence of these young Cameroonian artists who work in this sector of Art and who struggle to emerge.