Seminar on Mango value chain

Trilateral Cooperation MASHAV-GIZ-MINADER

  •   Seminar organised on :improving Mango Value-Chain at the practical agricultural school of Binguela.
    Trilateral Cooperation:
    Germany (GIZ), Israel (MASHAV) and Cameroon (MINADER)
    Seminar on Improving Mango Value-Chain at Practical Agricultural School Binguela (EPAB)
    (29 October - 5 November 2017)
    The seminar geared at introducing new techniques by sharing Israeli expertise and experience on improving the Mango value chain to help farmers and small holders increase their productivity and revenue.
    The training took place at EPAB with close to 65 participants (trainers). The participants consisted of technicians from EPAB, IRAD Garoua, IRAD Ngaoundere, IRAD Yaounde, Minader, small holders from Obala, Yaounde, Ngaoundere, Garoua, Maroua and two trainers from Technical Agricultural School (ETA) Garoua from the AFD-MASHAV-AFOP Project.
    The Israeli experts Timna Shoer and Emmanuel Dassa made a presentation on Mangoes including preparing the demonstration plot, cultivation of scions, grafting practice and cultivation of mature mangoes in nurseries. 
    At the end of the seminar, 800 mango scions were grafted with local mango plant. The scions from Israel were of three variety; Maya, Tommy and Keitt.
    The experts visited the old demo plot were scions were grafted last year. About 308 mango plants are on this plot and doing well.
    They also visited the demonstration plot and laboratory of the institute of agricultural research for development (IRAD).
    On Friday 3 November 2017, a debriefing with Israeli experts and officials from GIZ ProCISA/PADER took place at the GIZ - PADER office as well as the technical aspects of the draft version of MoU of the trilateral Cooperation.