MASHAV Eye Camp in Bamenda


    From 17th July to 26th July 2012, Ophthalmologists from the Israeli Agency for International Cooperation for Development - MASHAV will run an Eye Camp at the Bamenda General Hospital in Cameroon.
    The Eye Camp is the 8th of its kind in Cameroon. Previous Camps were held variously at the Yaoundé central Hospital, the Douala Laquinitinie Hospital and most recently at the Centre Hospitalier d’Essos in 2010.
    During the 2010 camp, 68 patients were operated upon for cataract by Dr Yoav Berger and Dr Sergio SOCEA (both sent by MASHAV) and many more for other procedures.
    “I have been blind with cataract for 5 years and it’s amazing that a few hours after I entered this hospital, I can see everyone of you”, a patient said.
    Another patient said that thanks to MASHAV, he was very glad that he could see his mother for the first time after many years.
    The 8th Eye camp that is scheduled to take place in Bamenda will focus on cataract operations as the previous camps but with increased focus on training. With the coordination of Dr. Charles AWASOM, Director of the Bamenda General Hospital, Eye specialists will converge from different medical units in the North West Region to learn the techniques used by the Israeli Doctors. This will give the ability to perform operations on their own even after the departure of the Israeli team.
    The Israeli team is made up of The Israeli Medical Doctors, Dr. Halpert Michael, Dr. Yael Dekel, Dr. Gala Beykin and Mrs Yamin Esther (nurse). Their resident practicing establishment is the Department of Ophthalmology of the Hadassah Medical Organisation.
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    Eye Camp in Nepal 2011 Eye Camp in Nepal 2011 Copyright: MASHAV