Iran accelerates atomic weapons quest

Iran accelerates atomic weapons quest

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Wednesday (7 August 2013) with a delegation of pro-Israel activists headed by US Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI).

    At the start of the meeting the Prime Minister said: "I know that some place their hopes on Iran's new president. He knows how to exploit this and yesterday he called for more talks. Of course he wants more talks. He wants to talk and talk and talk. And while everybody is busy talking to him, he'll be busy enriching uranium. The centrifuges will keep on spinning.

    This isn't a secret. The new Iranian president boasts that that is his strategy. He says, 'I talk and I smile and I enrich uranium'. This is unfortunately going on as we speak.

    Iran's work and quest towards the achievement of atomic weapons not only continues, it continues unabated - it's actually accelerated. And they're also pursuing, as was recently reported, an alternative route to the enrichment of uranium, which is the plutogenic, the plutonium route, simultaneously. So the situation unhappily is not getting any better; it's actually getting worse. Iran is determined to get the bomb and we must be even more determined to prevent them from getting it."