Inauguration Ceremony at CAESEDA Centre

Inauguration Ceremony at CAESEDA Centre

  •   The embassy inaugurated a solar energy system
    On 8 November last, Mrs. Paschalyn Niba Ngu, Head of Cooperation at the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon, took part in the inauguration ceremony for the solar energy system installed by the Israeli company Blue Power Energy at the Specialized Reception and Education Centre for Hearing-impaired Children (CAESEDA), ), in Nkolmebanga, Sa'a Sub-division, Lékié Division, Centre Region.

    The Israeli company has developed the revolutionary ''BWATT'' technology, which gathers information on consumption, even in remote areas, and enables remote control of electricity use, thus considerably reducing energy costs. The CAESEDA Centre who do not have access to running electricity for many years have been able to benefit from this technology.

    CAESEDA was set up in 2011 in Nkolmebanga by Sister Simone Jeannine MMOLO, and has 42 children with special needs. These are mainly hearing-impaired children, or children who can hear but are very vulnerable because they were born to epileptic parents, mentally-impaired parents and deaf-mute parents.  The BWATT solar energy system was installed in February 2021, after it was realized that the Centre was facing a number of difficulties, including access to electricity, which is vital if pupils are to learn better. It will enable the Centre to be self-sufficient in electricity, which will improve the children's learning and their constant supervision by the Centre's team.

    Addressing the speech on behalf of the Chargée affairs, Mrs. Niba Ngu recalled that, ‘‘Despite the appalling attack by Hamas on October 7, Israel remains committed to its objectives of contributing to the development of our communities, such as the one whose solar energy system is inaugurated.

    ‘‘This initiative helps to strengthen the already excellent bilateral relations between Israel and Cameroon, but Israel's aim is to go beyond knowledge-sharing and capacity-building, to show that sharing and transferring technology to those most in need is a concrete reality in Cameroon’’.

    A minute's silence was observed in memory of all the victims of the appalling Hamas attack of 7 October.