Holocaust Memorial Day in Cameroon 2024


  •   The Holocaust Memorial Day took place at UNIC
    The International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust is celebrated every year on 27 January. In a resolution entitled "Holocaust Remembrance", the General Assembly decided that the United Nations would celebrate it each year on 27 January, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

    The resolution encourages States to promote educational projects and to protect places of remembrance linked to the Holocaust. It undertakes to promote a programme at United Nations level to perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust and prevent such an event from happening again. Commemorations and events are therefore organized throughout the world.

    In Cameroon, Holocaust Remembrance Day was held on 31 January at the United Nations Information Centre, UNIC, and was attended by the Special Envoy of the State of Israel to Cameroon, H.E. Raphael Morav. He was accompanied by the Chargé affairs of the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon, Mrs. Noga Lewenstein.

    During the commemoration, the Centre's Director Mr. Jean Njita, raised awareness among the young students present about the Holocaust, the dangers of hatred and anti-Semitism, and ways of combating misinformation. The Message from the Secretary General of the United Nations was broadcast. A video on children (survivors) of the Shoah was then shown. Candles were lit in memory of the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust.

    In his address to the audience, Ambassador Morav recalled that "anti-Semitism did not begin with the Nazis and did not end with the liberation of the camps in 1945; it has taken different forms and manifestations, and today anti-Semitism is still alive and spreading". He therefore insisted that "We all have a responsibility (...). We must redouble our efforts in the fight against anti-Semitism. We must fight against the rise of evil and hatred. We must fight against indifference and never forget our responsibilities".

    The event closed with refreshments and a family photo.
