Hi-tech innovation seminar with experts

ISRAEL-CAMEROON: Hi-tech Seminar, a success

  •   Following the Israeli experience, the objective was to train 100 young cameroonian entrepreneurs on Hi-tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
    ​The bilateral relations between Israel and Cameroon are long, intimate and fruitful. This cooperation can be seen in a wide range of areas such as counter-terrorism, high technology, agriculture, irrigation, water and even education. The goal of the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon is precisely to strengthen and consolidate these quality exchanges.
    Besides this, the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon also aims at transferring high-tech (Hi-Tech) technologies and experiences to Cameroonians who wish to contribute to Cameroon's development objectives. Beyond the promotion of the digital economy, which the government is touting today, Cameroon's young people need to be trained to identify key opportunities for the creation and development of Start-ups.
    This seminar organized by the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon is in line with the objectives of Cameroon in its component "Development of start-ups". It was strengthened by the partnership of UNICEF, the Cameroonian Ministry of Small and Medium size Enterprises and the Cameroon Telecommunications Agency ''CAMTEL''.
    During these 4 days, the 100 young Cameroonian entrepreneurs from the 10 Regions of Cameroon worked on the fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. It was a panel composed of imminent experts who in turn deployed to ensure quality training for these young people. For example, the brilliant interventions of Israeli experts Roy POVARCHIK and Hanni ALAMI on: Israeli Start-up Culture, The Hi-Tech Industry's Contribution to the Israeli Economy, and ''The Idea to Business''; Professor Charles AWONO of the Yaounde National Polytechnic School, who spoked on "Local availability of technical competences"; The Expert Ferdinand NANA PAYONG on Marketing, and many others. In addition, Cameroon's success stories like Arthur Zang the inventor of the CardioPad, Christian Yves Fongang of SDK Games, and Janet FOFANG of "Girls In Tech" shared their experience.
    The closing of this seminar, scheduled for December 1st at 5 pm, promises to be a best one to judge the content of the various presentations, the enthusiasm and dynamism of the participants who, according to the first opinions gathered, could not hope for better. Thus, some of the participants stressed that: "This type of initiative should be repeated, and the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon shows once again that it plays a predominant role in the training of Cameroonians in general, Training in high technology in particular ''.