Good Deeds Day

Good Deeds Day

  •   Israel's Embassy in Cameroon marks Good Deeds Day by given smile to more than 130 orphaned children
    Good Deeds Day comes up this year on 22nd April 2017. Good Deeds Day is a day when people of good will decide to do charitable activities or volunteering work for the benefit of less privileged people.
    This year, the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon through Club Shalom (Association of Former Trainees in Israel), will work together with ‘‘Infirmiers Unis d’Ici et d’Ailleurs’’ (Association of Nurses) and Generation Change (Community mobilization initiative) for the benefit of orphaned and disaffected children. On 22nd April 2017 the event was hosted at the Centre d’Accueil des Enfants en Detresse (CAED) where more than 130 children from three centres met together.

    Activities included, mobilization of nurses and medical doctors for simple consultations, fun day with games (outdoor games and activities), T-shirts in three colours to differenciate children from the three centres, Bounce Castles, indoor games and activities (3DComputer simulations), consultation of children Gifts to children (Educational material), Gifts to centres (Food and pharmacy box).

    Children were well supervised with a minimum ratio of one monitor to ten children. It was a day of smiling and full of joy for all these children who did not fail to thank their benefactors.