English Courses in Israeli Universities

English Courses in Israeli Universities

  •   English programs at Israeli universities and colleges
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    The Hebrew University's Rothberg International School offers a broad selection of courses taught in English, along with courses in French, Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew by members of the Hebrew University faculty.  Students may choose from among several study programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels. A range of MA degree programs are also conducted in English.
    The Hebrew University has a number of graduate programs that offer practical skills for work in the developing world and society. They include master of science degrees in plant sciences, nutritional sciences and animal sciences at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment in Rehovot and an international master of public health program taught at the Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine at Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical center since 1970. A new LLM degree in human rights and international law will also be introduced in the coming academic year.
    Tel Aviv University

    Tel Aviv University School for Overseas Students offers the following classes of programs (view brochure):
    • Undergraduate Programs - Tel Aviv University offers semester and year-abroad programs for undergraduates, as well as degree programs and specialized programs.
    • Graduate Programs - Offerings include Middle Eastern History, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, MBA programs and access to the full offerings of the University.
    • Summer Programs - Summer Programs are offered in general academic areas as well as language offerings in Yiddish, Hebrew and Arabic.
    • Intensive Language Program - Intensive language programs are offered in Hebrew, Yiddish and Arabic.

    In addition, the Bob Shapell School of Social Work at Tel Aviv University is offering a new M.A. program on Coping with Stress, Crisis and Trauma for international students.

    The Porter School of Environmental Studies (PSES) will be offering a new, full-time International MA Program in Environmental Studies, taught in English, to commence in the fall semester of 2011, during a one-year period (3 semesters). The new program aims to provide international candidates with an intensive multidisciplinary insight into environmental studies with an emphasis on Israel's unique geographic and geopolitical setting.
    Tel Aviv University's Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations offers academic credit for overseas M.A. and Ph.D. students transferable to most American universities, designed for students from various fields related to the Hebrew Bible.
    The Faculty of the Humanities offers an international B.A. program in the Liberal Arts. Students in this three-year program can choose a major in such areas as Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy, Literature, Israel and Jewish Studies, Digital Culture, or Psychology and Psychoanalysis.
    The Faculty of Engineering recently announced the opening of its International School of Engineering, delivering full degree programs from its top 100 internationally ranked faculty in English to international students. It currently offers a full undergraduate degree program: BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The program includes and integrated internship component placing students in international firms and Israeli start-ups.
    Bar-Ilan University

    Located in Ramat-Gan, Bar-Ilan University offers several programs in English:
    The Mechina is a special study program for New Immigrants (Olim Chadashim) and tourists, run in conjunction with the Student Authority at the Israel Ministry of Absorption. This program is intended for immigrants or tourists who have completed their high school education overseas. The aim of the program is to prepare overseas students for higher education in Israel, and to instill them with the knowledge of Hebrew (through the Ulpan program included within the Mechina), Jewish history and traditions, and Israeli culture and customs.
    International B.A. Program
    Bar-Ilan's International B.A. Programs allows students from around the world to study in one of Israel's top universities and integrate successfully into Israeli society, while taking all of their classes in English. The premier choice for olim and overseas students since 1955, Bar-Ilan is the first university in Israel to offer B.A. degrees taught entirely in English. Currently, students can choose between three degrees: Macro Social Sciences (Economics, Political Sciences, Sociology), Micro Social Sciences (Criminology, Psychology, Sociology), and Communications.
    The One Year Program for Overseas students, titled "The Israel Experience", offers the benefits of a relatively small, intimate program (limited to 100 English-speaking students), combined with the resources an infrastructure of a top-notch University.
    Bar-Ilan - Yeshiva University Summer Science Internships
    This exciting new program enables talented undergraduate science majors to work for up to 2 months in the research group of one of Bar-Ilan's more than 180 distinguished faculty members in the biological and/or physical sciences. The internships are offered to Yeshiva University students at the Bar Ilan Campus in Ramat Gan, Israel, starting June 19, 2011.  
    Tikvah-Bar-IlanSummer Institute for Graduate Students 
    Political Thought, Economics, and Strategy
    Bar-Ilan University and the Tikvah Fund invite you to an interdisciplinary summer institute offering graduate students a unique opportunity to explore three major fields of statesmanship:
    * Political Philosophy
    * Economics
    * Strategy 
    The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education
    The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education of Bar-Ilan's School of Education offer professional development and resources for Jewish educators around the world. The Center is staffed by leading educators from across the globe and focuses its programming and research on "professionalizing the profession" of Jewish education outside of Israel. Its programs include training educational leadership, facilitating online communities that connect thousands of educators from around the world, curriculum and staff development projects, school evaluations, publication of an academic and popular journal, and online academic courses for Jewish educators.
    Programs and resources offered to educators by the Lookstein Center for Jewish Education include:
    - The Jim Joseph Foundation Fellows
    Since its inception in 2002, the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing has attracted dozens of local Anglo Israelis, Diaspora Jews and writers from around the world to spend a year (or longer) in Israel, honing their creative skills in English with the guidance of leading poets and fiction writers, in a context both Jewish and creative.
    The International MBA Program at the S. Daniel Abraham Center of Economics and Business is a one-year program, taught entirely in English. Students are given a global perspective, together with real world applications, that allows them to master the complexities of today's increasingly more sophisticated world of business.
    Linguistics in Clinical Research 
    This program offers an M.A. and Ph.D. in Linguistics in Clinical Research within the linguistics program already offered in the English Department. The studies greatly deepen the students’ understanding of how language works and deal with issues important to clinicians working in Israel, including bilingualism, dyslexia, and first and second language acquisition.
    University of Haifa
    The International School at the University of Haifa welcomes international students to study at the university on a non-degree basis for a summer, semester, or full academic year. The University of Haifa is recognized internationally as an approved study abroad site, and academic credits earned are transferable back to home institutions to be applied towards completion of a degree.
    The undergraduate Semester / Year Academic Program grants you a unique study abroad experience where you will combine challenging academics with the opportunity to immerse yourself in an Israeli university. Other undergraduate programs include an Honors Program in Psychology, an Honors Program in Peace and Conflict Studies and an Internship Program.
    Full MA programs are available in Holocaust Studies, Creative Arts Therapies, Patent Law, and Peace & Conflict Management.

    Ben Gurion University of the Negev
    Overseas Student Program (OSP) programs include:
    • International Masters (MA)
    • Internships
    • Visiting and Exchange Programs
    • The Israel Studies International Program
    • Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Natural Sciences. M.Sc. and Ph.D. studies in the departments of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Geological and Environmental Sciences.
    Ben Gurion University has also established a variety of international programs for studying in English offered to foreign students arriving to BGU within the framework of European educational programs such as Erasmus, within the framework of exchange agreements or within other international programs, including:
    • Linguistics (MA)
    • Literature (MA)
    • Literature and Linguistics (BA)
    • Communication Studies (MA/PhD)
    • The Politics of Conflict - Department of Politics and Government (MA)
    • Mathematics (MSc & PhD)
    Ben Gurion University also has an International Summer School offering intensive Hebrew language studies.
    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
    Undergraduate programs:

    • Freshman Year of Engineering and Science - Freshman Year program allows students to study at the Technion for one year in English. It is the ideal solution for students interested in engineering and science, who wish to spend meaningful time in Israel. This program covers the basic engineering and science areas and allows the graduate to continue to a full degree at the Technion or transfer to an overseas partner university.
    • Civil and Environmental Engineering - Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on: Construction Management  and Water Resources.
    • Semester of Science and Engineering - You can spend a semester at the Technion by building your own course load. Courses are offered in ENGLISH in the following areas: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Math, Biology and Chemistry. See list of courses and brochure.
    • Research Internship - at the undergraduate and graduate level
    • Semester of Sustainable Development - Focus on involvement with the community from start to finish, evaluating, financing and implementing. Will also cover topics such as alternative renewable energies and poverty reduction.
    • Semester of Entrepreneurship - Include general information on intellectual property including commercialization and legal aspects pertaining to. The semester will include meetings with Israeli entrepreneurs and visits to local companies.
    • Summer Course - Engineering for Developing Communities - Engineering for Developing Communities is a month long program which combines field work with academic studies while learning how to affect living conditions and welfare of people living in developing communities.
    Graduate studies:

    • Technion MBA – One year fulltime MBA. Entrepreneurialism thrives in Israel and the Technion is one of the sources. Come play your part in the “Start-up” Nation
    • Variety of Masters of Engineering, Masters of Science and PhD Programs
    • International Graduate Program in NanoScience and Nanotechnology
    • Technion American Medical School – Four year medical school which mirrors the full North American (U.S and Canada) medical school experience. Everything your grandmother dreamed of, in Israel.
    Weizmann Institute of Science
    The Feingold Graduate School offers graduate programs leading to Master of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in five major fields of study: Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science and Science Teaching.
    Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya
    The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya is based on the model of Ivy League universities in the U.S. IDC Herzliya offers undergraduate degrees in various fields.
    The Raphael Recanati International School offers Undergraduate programs in: Business Administration, Government, Communications and Psychology. The graduate programs include an MA in Government and a Global MBA.
    Galillee International Management Institute
    Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI) is a public, international management-training institution.  Its International Department offers a core curriculum of over a dozen program. Its Program Development Division designs and implements training projects tailor-made for the requirements of sponsoring governments and international agencies. The college also recruits interns from Japan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and South Korea in order to promote cooperation.
    Political Sciences and Middle East Studies - Five-week summer program for students from around the world who are interested in the Middle East, focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    Joint Jewish-Christian-Muslim Program: A Religious Mosaic in the Holy Land - Five-week summer program devoted to the three great monotheistic traditions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam (as well as the other traditions/different sects represented in Israel), their history and connections in the context of modern-day Israel.

    Israeli and Jewish Art - Eight day seminar held twice a year.
    Other study programs are also available.
    Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem
    MASA semester or year long courses for students interested in the arts
    Exchange programs for overseas students studying at colleges overseas for a semester or year
    The two year masters program (in fine art, urban design/architecture and industrial design) would be possible for overseas students although they are conducted in Hebrew.
    Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
    The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance offers two international programs:
    DanceJerusalem - This unique program, initiated jointly by the Rothberg International School (RIS) and the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance (JAMD), combines artistic training in dance skills and technique with academic exposure to Israel's challenging social, historical and cultural environment. DanceJerusalem offers university-level artistic and technical training in the disciplines of Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Choreography, Repertoire and Improvisation. Within the framework of a comprehensive survey course, "Dance in Israel", students create, rehearse and perform works with outstanding Israeli composers and choreographers. Students choose from a wide range of academic courses in Jewish, Israel and Middel Eastern Studies, as well as Hebrew Language.
    - See information on JAMD website
    Jerusalem Sounds is a new and unique initiative of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance (JAMD) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rothberg International School (RIS). Studies include a full music program consisting of individual instruction, performance in small and large ensembles and classes in Jewish and Israeli music. Students also choose from a wide range of university courses in Religious, Israel and Middle Eastern Studies, Behavioral Sciences and Environmental Studies, as well as Hebrew Language.
    - See information on JAMD website
    ORT Braude College
    Braude College, located in Karmiel (Galilee) offers student exchange programs through partnerships with universities abroad.
    The program offers courses equivalent to the studies of one full semester in a quality engineering study program in the USA - suitable for students in their junior year, nominally in their 6th semester in a school of engineering. All courses are taught in English.
    Wingate Institute
    The Wingate Institute is Israel's National Center for Physical Education and Sport.
    In addition to instruction in Hebrew, the Institute's Nat Holman School for Coaches and Instructors currently offers courses in Russian with future plans to offer courses in French.
    Machon Lev
    Machon Lev-Jerusalem College of Technology, a small college in Jerusalem for religious Jewish students, offers a three-year degree program in business management, marketing and technology taught entirely in English.