Empowering IDPs women in Cameroon

Empowering IDPs women in Cameroon

  •   The embassy of Israel works for a better future of IDPs women in Cameroon
    Empowering Young Internally Displaced Women 

    There is a cause for which the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon does not spare its efforts; it is that of the Empowerment of women. The particular context of the country has led to the appearance of a new vulnerable social stratum that of internally displaced persons (IDPs) among whom there are many women. They face precariousness due to the loss of their means of subsistence caused by the displacement that they were, by the nature of things, forced to carry out.

    With a view to giving new impetus and new hope to these internally displaced women, Israeli Embassy sponsored the Training Seminar on the Empowerment of IDP Women. The seminar was organized by ‘‘Powerful Action for the Development of Kadey association'' (PADK)[1], in partnership with ''Cameroonian Association of Young Actives'' (CAYA), in the very recent ‘‘Research and Training Station on Tropical Agriculture (TARTS), held from October 22 to 26, in the Eastern region precisely in the locality of Ngotto.

    During five days, the twenty IDP women identified were trained in the use of sustainable agricultural work methods adapted to their living conditions[2]. At the end of this journey, each participant was able to launch profitable and relevant activities for themselves and for their community.

    If the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon is proud to support an initiative that is part of the continuity of a vision carried out for several years already, it is not however, at its first intervention with regard to the IDPs. The Israeli Embassy decide to go further. First, by supporting the humanitarian NGO ‘‘OWEN’’ and by donating working materials to it. Then by organizing in partnership with YES CAMEROON (facilitator of entrepreneurship development in Cameroon) and CUSO International (Canadian Development Agency), a second three-day training seminar on income-generating activities such as fruit processing and pastry production for the benefit of young IDP women of Yaoundé.

    Also with the support of the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon through its Development Agency MASHAV, the second edition of the Empowerment seminar of young IDP women from Douala, took place and held from June 8 to 10, 2022.



    [1]Committed to the economic and social development of the Kadey department since 2017, the NGO PADK pays particular attention to improving the health, well-being and economic independence of populations.

    [2]The participants were thus trained in composting, in the multiplication of banana-plantain shoots, as well as in the production of bread and jam. They also took an introductory course in entrepreneurship based on the personal and community development model.