Credentials ceremony of HE Ran Gidor

Credentials Ceremony.

  •   HE Ran GIDOR, Ambassador of the State of Israel in Cameroon, presented his Credentials at the Unity Palace.

    ​HE Ran GIDOR Ambassador of the State of Israel in Cameroon, presented his Credentials to the President of the Republic of Cameroun HE Paul BIYA. The ceremony took place at the Unity Palace, on the 9th november 2016. During the ceremony the Ambassador was accompanied by his close collaborators.

    As a reminder, a credential is an attestation of qualification, competence, or authority issued to an individual by a third party with a relevant or de facto authority or assumed competence to do so.

    In diplomacy, credentials, also known as a letter of credence, are documents that ambassadors, diplomatic ministers, plenipotentiary, and chargés d'affaires provide to the government to which they are accredited, for the purpose, chiefly, of communicating to the latter the envoy's diplomatic rank. It also contains a request that full credence be accorded to his official statements. Until his credentials have been presented and found in proper order, an envoy receives now official recognition.
    The credentials of an ambassador or minister plenipotentiary are signed by the head of state, those of a chargé d'affaires by the foreign minister. Diplomatic credentials are granted and withdrawn at the pleasure of the issuing authority, based on widely varying criteria. A receiving government may reject a diplomat’s credentials by declining to receive them, but in practice this rarely happens.