Anti-semitic-comments-in-Cameroon-by a member of government

Anti-semitic comments in Cameroon

  •   Anti-semitic comments have been made by a member of Government on national TV
    ​Yesterday 4th February 2019, the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon published a press release condemning anti-Semitic comments made by a member of the Government of Cameroon. Here is the substance of the press release:
    The embassy of Israel in Cameroon is deeply shocked by the anti-Semitic statements made by Mr. Jean de Dieu Momo, Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Cameroon.
    In a program broadcast of national television on Sunday 3rd February 2019, the Minister, making reference to a historical account, said that “in Germany, there was a community that was wealthy and wielded all economic power, it was the Jews… and they were so arrogant that Germans felt frustrated (…) then one day, a certain Hitler came to power and put them in the gas chambers (…)”. By suggesting a similarity between a Cameroonian opposition party, the Jewish community in 1930s-1940s Germany, “a certain Hitler” and the horrible events that the Jews suffered, the member of government makes a tacit justification of the holocaust by Nazi Germany.
    Considering that Israel is actively engaged in supporting the Cameroonian people in various domains, considering the friendly bilateral relations between Israel and Cameroon, and considering that it is only one week since the world commemorated the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, these anti-Semitic comments were gravely disappointing.
    The embassy of Israel is deeply outraged by this public outing that describes an unfortunate human tragedy with such little sophistication and that misrepresents the good relations between our two countries. The embassy strongly condemns these statements, expects an immediate apology and will pay close attention to reparatory steps taken.