Aide d'Israel pour le onflit en Syrie

Israel's Aid for the Syrian conflict

  •   The State of Israel deploys its aid for the victims of the syrian conflict.
    The State of Israel is deploying its aid to help the victims of the Syrian conflict, including rebel fighters, since the beginning of the civil war in Syria. More than 2,600 Syrian wounded have been treated since 2013 in Israeli hospitals, according to data from the Israeli army.
    The action by the Israeli army, which began to treat these Syrian wounded who gathered along the fence marking the border with Israel to seek treatment there, was first improvised in an emergency on behalf of Humanitarian considerations, and then gradually organized, notably thanks to the support of the Israeli government.
    Indeed, since December Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to increase medical aid to Syrian civilian victims and study the various possible ways to accommodate in the Israeli hospitals, wounded evacuated from the elders Rebellious neighborhoods of the Syrian city of Aleppo.
    He said he had "asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find ways to increase medical aid to the civilian victims of the Syrian tragedy, especially those in Aleppo", adding that Israel was "ready to welcome women and Wounded children, and also men if they are not fighters ... to bring them to Israel to take care of them in our hospitals as we have already done with thousands of Syrian civilians ".
    Several reports on this subject for several months, notably in France on Arte, in Le Parisien and Le Figaro, relate the distrust felt at first by these Syrians raised in anti-Israel propaganda and fear of their Israeli neighbors, then Their recognition for having been taken care of in the best conditions they could have hoped.
    As Colonel Galsberg, a military doctor, explains: "Unlike the humanitarian interventions in which [Israel] participates abroad, the reception of these wounded is based on the mobilization of our own [Israeli] care system, Its ability to take care of Israeli patients. "Staff in Israeli hospitals are taking every possible precaution to maintain the anonymity of these Syrian patients who often fear for their safety and that of their families left behind in Syria.
    Please find below the links of the short report published in the newspaper of the chain Arte yesterday, as well as the two articles published in the French press on the subject: