Africa Israel Summit official invitation of Cameroon

Africa-Israel Summit Invitation

  •   Cameroon is officially invited to take part in the Africa-Israel Summit, in Lome (Togo) next October.

    ​The last  August 10th, HE Ran Gidor and the DCM Ms. Naama LEVY met the Ministry of External Relations to give him the official invitation letter of Cameroon to attend the Africa-Israel Summit.

    In fact, the first Africa- Israel Summit will take place in Lomé (Togo), from the 23rd to the 26th of October 2017. This event is an historic mile stone in the relations between Israel and Africa.

    Besides the plenary sessions between the Prime Minister of Israel and African Heads of State, the Summit will gather the leading business, economic and security figures from Africa and Israel in order to foster new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships.
    The Summit will include plenary sessions, experts panel discussions and roundtables, around topics such as Innovation, Counter- Terrorism, Co- Development, Trade and Agriculture among others. All events will be led by African and Israeli leaders in the various fields. Alongside the main events, Togo will host a joint youth delegation from Israel and the African countries.
    In addition, African and Israeli government officials will be given a platform to showcase their nations and allow for a direct channel of communication between states, businessmen and investors. The summit will offer Networking opportunities, both for business and diplomacy, and either in smaller groups or in larger teams.
    Combining the political, business and security spheres renders the Summit a well- rounded event, while the wide range of venues allows maximizing the opportunities for dialogue and future endeavors.
    In short- The Summit will be designed to grant a genuine and sustainable enhancement of Africa- Israeli cooperation.
    Therefore as previously mentioned, activities include:
    - Experts panel discussions: dealing with current security, business and development issues led by African and Israeli leaders in the various fields;
    - Round table discussions: between experts dealing with distinct and specific matters;
    - Networking opportunities: both in smaller groups as well as a larger teams;
    - Trade show displaying Israeli and African businesses.
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