4th edition Israel-Cameroon Seminar

4th edition of Israel-Cameroon HiTech Seminar

  •   This edition runed from 2nd-5th december 2019 at Yaounde
    Israel-Cameroon Hi-Tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar 2019
    In the framework of the bilateral cooperation between the State of Israel and the Republic of Cameroon, in partnership with local and international partners, the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon launched the 4th edition of the Israel-Cameroon Hi-Tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar, from December 2nd -5th 2019, at Yaounde's Chamber of Commerce.
    The training seminar targeted some 100 start-ups and young entrepreneurs drawn from across Cameroon who either are in an advanced stage in the development of their business or may be nursing an idea to start a sustainable enterprise.
    Amongst other partners and themes, the seminar included several workshops by 2 visiting Israeli experts, complemented by coaching offered by ‘‘YES Cameroon’’ and the ‘‘Centres de Formalités et de Création d’Entreprises’’ (CFCE) on various aspects of setting up a business venture. Cameroonian success stories were also presented such as William Ellong bright and talented young entrepreneur pioneer in designing the first drones made in Africa.
    Although start-uppers in all sectors were encouraged to apply, persons interested in coding and computer programming were granted special training sessions. The seminar was conducted in English and French and the registration deadline was fixed on November 20th  2019.
    Selection criteria: candidates who have already created a start-up or an enterprise were expected to provide a detailed description of their initiative. Candidates who have not yet launched their enterprise were requested to describe the concept (the vision) of their project. The official opening ceremony was attended by high-ranking guests, the Minister of SMEs, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, the Director General of CAMTEL the main sponsor of the seminar, the Deputy Director General of OAPI and the representative of GIZ (German Cooperation which co-funded the seminar).
    Most of the participants shared the view that this seminar represented a very great opportunity for them, which would certainly change the future of their business.
    Having spoken to the media, the Ambassador of Israel to Cameroon recalled that this was one of the flagship projects of the Embassy of Israel in Cameroon of which he can be proud, because we can display a total of 400 young entrepreneurs trained thanks to this seminar which becomes more and more popular over the years.