3D Printing Centre

Cameroon has his first 3D Printing Centre

  •   The Centre was inaugurated last week at Polytechnic High School
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    Inauguration of the 3D Centre at Yaounde Polytechnic High School Inauguration of the 3D Centre at Yaounde Polytechnic High School
    ​ Inauguration of the 3D Printing Department at Yaoundé's Polytechnic 
    The Embassy of Israel in Cameroon was proud to inaugurate the first most advanced 3D printing Centre at the High-Tech Centre of the Yaounde National Polytechnic.  
    The High-Tech Centre itself was officially launched in 2012 and offers training courses in robotics, mechatronics, electronics, computer science, and industrial automation.  It is equipped with 12 laboratories, more than 100 robots and 160 computers, and is considered one of the most advanced of its type in Africa.
    The Centre is the 'brain-child' of Israeli entrepreneur, Mr. Uri Sela ('Sela Educational Initiatives') and incorporates some state-of-the-art Israeli technology and equipment. The project was financed entirely by the Cameroonian Government, and has attracted students, scientists and researchers from across the continent, and boasts many outstanding innovators and entrepreneurs (e.g. Arthur Zang – Cameroonian inventor of the cariopad) among its graduates.
    Having considered the venture's proven success, the relevant parties decided to upgrade it even further with the launching of a Centre for 3-dimensional printing.  Thus, in February 2017, the Cameroonian Ministry of Higher Education and SELA Educational Initiatives signed a new agreement to that effect.
    After a year of extensive planning, construction and training, the 3D printing Centre is finally ready and was officially launched last week.  The new Centre is once again the most advanced of its type in the continent, and will offer both Cameroonian and African students an unprecedented opportunity to carry out some cutting-edge research. Moreover, the revolutionary technology of 3D printing will contribute significantly to the modernization of Cameroonian industry (e.g. by enabling the local printing of foreign-designed prototypes) and medical treatment (e.g. by producing individual prosthetic implants and artificial limbs). 
     The Israeli Embassy in Cameroon is proud of this achievement, which reinforces the already excellent relations between Israel and Cameroon in the field of education. The Embassy has already enhanced the move to 3D printing technology in Cameroon by supporting the creation of a modest training facility for primary & secondary school students in Yaounde ('NextGen' – administered by Ms. Janet Fofang). Moreover, the Embassy has launched numerous initiatives for the support of disabled school children and visually-challenged university students, and has created a special 'Israeli math scholarship' jointly with Yaounde's TASSAH Academy.