33rd Government

Israel's 33rd government

  •   Ministers and Senior Officials of the 33rd Government of Israel
    The new govenrment of Israel headed by PM Benjamin Netanyahu was approved in the Knesset with 68 MKs voting in favor, and 48 opposed, and its 22 ministers were sworn in on March 18, 2013. 
    President Peres: "Before you stand complex challenges in the fields of security, economy and social issues. Most of all we must stand strong in face of the Iranian threat and make the utmost effort to move forward with negotiations for peace with the Palestinians."

    Government Ministers
    • Benjamin Netanyahu - Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Public Affairs and the Diaspora
    • Yitzhak Aharonovitch - Minister of Public Security
    • Uri Ariel - Minister of Housing and Construction
    • Naftali Bennett - Minister of Trade, Industry and Labor, Minister of Religious Services, Minister for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs
    • Meir Cohen - Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs
    • Gilad Erdan - Minister of Communications and Home Front Protection 
    • Yael German - Minister of Health
    • Yisrael Katz - Minister of of Transportation, National Infrastructures and Road Safety
    • Uzi Landau - Minister of Tourism
    • Sofa Landver - Minister of Immigration Absorption
    • Yair Lapid - Minister of Finance
    • Limor Livnat - Minister of Culture and Sport
    • Tzipi Livni - Minister of Justice
    • Uri Orbach - Minister for Senior Citizens
    • Amir Peretz - Minister of Environmental Protection
    • Yaakov Perry - Minister of Science and Technology
    • Shai Piron - Minister of Education
    • Gideon Sa'ar - Minister of the Interior
    • Silvan Shalom - Minister of Water and Energy, Minister for Regional Development and the Development of the Negev and the Galilee
    • Yair Shamir - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    • Yuval Steinitz - Minister of Strategic and Intelligence Affairs responsible for International Relations
    • Moshe Ya'alon - Minister of Defense

    Deputy Ministers

    • MK Ofir Akunis – Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, responsible for liaison between the Government and the Knesset
    • Eli Ben-Dahan - Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs 
    • Danny Danon - Deputy Minister of Defense
    • Zeev Elkin - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
    • MK Tzipi Hotovely - Deputy Minister of Transportation, National Infrastructures and Road Safety
    • MK Fania Kirshenbaum – Deputy Minister of the Interior
    • Mickey Levy - Deputy Minister of Finance
    • Avi Wortzman - Deputy Minister of Education

     Senior Government Officials

    • Yuli Edelstein - Speaker of the Knesset
    • Asher Dan Grunis - President of the Supreme Court
    • Stanley Fischer - Governor of the Bank of Israel
    • Lt.-Gen. Benjamin Gantz - IDF Chief of General Staff 
    • Yehuda Weinstein - Attorney General 
    • Joseph H. Shapira - State Comptroller and Ombudsman
    • Rabbi Shlomo Amar - Sephardi Chief Rabbi
    • Rabbi Yona Metzger - Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi 
      32nd Government
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    33rd government 33rd government Copyright: gpo
    33rd Government Ministers at President's Residence (GPO)