2018 end of year rich and intense for Israel in Cameroon

2018 end of year in review

  •   2018 end of year has been rich and intense for Israel in Cameroon

     End of the Year Rich and intense for Israel in Cameroon ! 

     The Embassy of Israel in Cameroon has experienced once again a rich and intense  year considering the various activities carried out during 2018 end of year. This is a retrospective view of what marked the last six months of the past year. 
     Firstly, the cooperation in the field of health , with the visit of a large delegation of the Government of Israel headed by the Accountant General, we had the presentation of the water purification kits (of the Israeli company named NUF Filtration) to the Ministry of Health to enable it to face the resurgent epidemic of Ebola virus that began in a Far North and North Regions of Cameroon.  This delegation had thus assisted in situ to a demonstration of the use of the Kits in a community neighborhood of Yaoundé ( Etoug-Ébé ).
     Secondly on the school level , visiting the '' Tassah Schools  Academy '' and '' NexGen  School '' of which Mrs Janet Fofang is the promoter, allowed the delegation to appreciate the usefulness of the computers installed thanks to the help of the British NGO '' ITSCHOOLSAFRICA '' which offered the computers and whose Israeli Embassy facilitated the delivery.  Moreover, they were able to appreciate the handing over of important braille equipment to the Christian Blind Mission Cameroon (CBM ), a center that deals with children with disabilities.  The old machine to translate texts in Braille for visually impaired children was completely obsolete, in this regard this donation was timely as well. 
    At the diplomatic level, one of the strongest actions in this field is resolutely the work and friendship visit of the Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Simon Clément SEROUSSI, who went in Gabon from 22 to 25 October 2018, to meet accredited officials and diplomats.  The aim was to relaunch cooperation in Israel and Gabon as    he noted during a conference in Libreville. 
     Then concerning the cultural level , a great Soirée (organized in partnership with the popular Space called ''Street Corner '' November 8th, 2018) of dance orchestrated by the Israeli professional choreographer Danit Nathan, was relayed at length by the media who spreaded out this cultural mix between both countries. 
     On the High Tech plan , the 03rd edition of the traditional ‘’Israel-Cameroon on Innovation and entrepreneurship Seminar’’ took place between 19th to 22nd November 2018, at the Yaoundé Chamber of Commerce.  With all the success recognized at this seminar over the years, this edition again brought together 100 young Cameroonian entrepreneurs (including 50 migrants) and had the participation of institutional partners such as UNICEF and IOM.  The Israeli Embassy once again brought in two Israeli experts who equipped the participants on major themes of the seminar, such as    : Israeli Star-up Culture , How to Find an Innovative Idea, How to Develop a High Tech Product, etc.   
     On the academic level , two ceremonies were held at the University of Ngaoundéré on November 27th, 2018    :
     -Inaugurating a video conference centre, funded by the Israeli Embassy, which today enable students to follow online lectures offered by leading Israeli scholars;
     -Relaunching Ngaoundéré University campus Radio destroyed by fire and renovated thanks to Israeli Embassy donation.  The Deputy Head of Mission took the opportunity to visit the site of a future Mango value-chain improvement project, under the auspices of a trilateral cooperation programme involving MASHAV (Israel) -GIZ (Germany) -MINADER ( Cameroon). 
     Finally, on the social level , on the occasion of the International week of people with disabilities, the Israeli Embassy donated wheelchairs produced by the Israeli NGO " WHEELCHAIRS OF HOPE " and especially designed for children with disabilities in developing countries. The handing-over ceremony took place in the premises of PROHANDICAM in partnership with CBM (Christian Blind Mission Cameroon ), on Tuesday, December 4th, 2018.