Yokohama-Tel Aviv photo exhibition

Cultural exchange between Tel Aviv and Yokohama

    On September 5(Wed), Tel Aviv city and Yokohama city announced the signing on a joint statement to deepen the mutual exchanges and relationships between the two cities.
    On the background of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Japan, mayors of both cities expressed their strong will to strengthen the ties between Tel-Aviv city and Yokohama, focusing on economic and cultural exchanging activities in the future.


    Both mayors attended the opening ceremony of the photo exhibition "Tel Aviv Moment". The exhibition by Israeli photojournalist Mr. Ziv Koren is currently held in Nihon-Odori Station in Minato Mirai Line.
    Yokohama mayor Fumiko Hayashi said on that opportunity, "I want to build a great relationship between two cities." Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai invited Mayor Hayashi to visit Tel Aviv city at early opportunity.
