About the embassy
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About the Embassy

    Welcome to the website of the embassy of Israel in Tokyo. 
    Contact Information
    Information Section: info1@tokyo.mfa.gov.il
    Economic Section: tokyo@israeltrade.gov.il
    Culture Section: culture-sec@tokyo.mfa.gov.il
    Administration Section  (Hebrew / English):
  • ContactInfoHorizontal

    Contact Details

    Address:Embassy of Israel in Tokyo,
    3 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
     שגרירות ישראל בטוקיו


    Fax: 81-3-3264-0971

    Reception Hours

    Monday To Friday ​

    10:00 - 13:00


    ימי ושעות פתיחה

    יום ב - יום ו

    מ- 10:00 עד 13:00


    Key Personnel

    NameJob titleE-mail
    Gilad CohenAmbassadore-mail
    Israel StrulovDeputy Chief of the Mission / Minister e-mail
    Avinoam MizrahiConsule-mail
    Mor EliyahuSpokespersone-mail