The Ambassador's Visit to Kamakura

The Ambassador's Visit to Kamakura

    The Ambassador Kahanoff visited Kamakura city to attend traditional Kamakura Takigi-noh held in the city. 
    Kamakura is the city in which Mr. Chiune Sugihara is buried. Ambassador had delivered a remark at the seminar on Mr. Sugihara organized by City Hall of Kamakura,  and then she visited paid a floral tribute to Mr. Sugihara’s grave.  Coincidentally, the day fallen on the anniversary day of Mr. Sugihara’s wife Yukiko. 
    Ambassador Kahanoff says: “Kamakura is beautiful city comprised of long and unique history and culture, moreover, for us Israelis it is also a special place which has Mr. Sugihara’s grave. I am delighted that I could visit the grave in which he rests in peace this time, on behalf of thousands of Jews saved by him.”

    At the City Council of Kamakura city, a resolution to encourage education on Mr. Sugihara’s humanitarian deeds to succeed the story to the younger generation was unanimously accepted a few months ago.  

    With Kamakura Mayor Takashi Matsuo

    With Mr. Katsuyuki Nakazawa, The chairperson of a city council 

    Mr. Chiune Sugihara’s grave

    After Takigi-noh​ performance