Terrorist attack at the Jewish supermarket in Paris

Terror attack on Jewish supermarket in Paris

  • PM Netanyahu at the Great Synagogue of Paris ∥ Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    Terror attack on kosher supermarket in Paris
    Victims to be buried in Israel
    PM Netanyahu: The international community must take united action against the terrorists from extremist Islam and against the terrorist infrastructures that support them.
    PM Netanyahu has acceded to the request of the families of the victims of the terrorist attack at the Jewish supermarket in Paris and instructed all relevant government officials to assist in bringing them for burial in Israel.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on January 9 spoke with French President Francois Hollande, who informed him that four hostages had been killed in the terrorist attack on the HyperCacher kosher supermarket in Paris and that 15 hostages had been rescued.

    The Israeli Prime Minister spoke with his French counterpart about security at Jewish institutions in France and noted that it was essential to strike at the sources of financing for extremist Islamic terrorist organizations and to take action against the incitement in Europe that encourages such actions.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Saturday evening, 10 January 2015), issued the following statement:

    "On behalf of the citizens of Israel, I would like to send our condolences to the French Jewish community and the French people who have suffered a murderous terrorist assault in the last few days. These attacks in Paris are the continuation of extremist Islam’s war against our free civilization, in the West, in the entire modern world and also in the moderate Arab states and among entire publics in the Islamic world. This is a wave of terrorism that is spreading a global net of hatred, fanaticism and murder. After establishing its bases in the Middle East, terrorism is now sending its arms throughout the world. If the world does not take action quickly, we will find this terrorism gaining momentum and increasingly striking at other centers of the free world and in other places."
    President Rivlin speaks with French Jewish community heads in emergency meeting following terror attacks

    President Reuven Rivlin (Saturday evening, 10 January 2015) spoke by telephone with the heads of CRIF, the French Jewish community organization, during their emergency meeting of over sixty community leaders, following the murderous attacks of the past week.

    The President told them, "I speak to you tonight, not only as President of the State of Israel, but of the Jewish people as a whole."

    He continued, “We are all, here in Israel, grieving and hurting with you, we share in the sorrow of the families, the Jewish community, and of the French people. We are one family and our pain is severe. In moments such as these, we are ever aware of the responsibility we have to one another, and the deep bond that connects us as one.