Tanabata in Sendai

"Tanabata Gift" from Israel


    Orizuru (paper cranes) presented to Sendai-city from Israeli children with wish for recovery from the East Japan Great Earthquake were utlized to produce decorations for local traditional festival "Tanabata" by Sendai local residents, and they were exhibited in the city center during the annual Tanabata Festival held from 06 to 08 August.  


    On 7th August, presentation ceremony of the orizuru was held in front of the tanabata decorations' and Ambassador Ben-Shitrit presented the list of donation to the representative from Miyagi Prefecture Private Schools Association, Mr. Hoshi. In return, Mr. Hoshi expressed his appriciation to the Israeli chilren for sending the orizuru, and to the state of Israel for dispatching the Medical support team to Miyagi Pref. immediately after the earthquake occured.     

    At the same time, 13 high school students from Miyagi prefecture were visiting Israel as guests of the state, and while their visit the students participated in tanabata cereblation which were held in Jerusalem with tanabata decorations donated last year by Sendai local citizens.  