Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship in Israel and Japan

Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship

  •       MC was Mr. Rosen, Culture & Science Affairs Attaché
    November 15 (Wed) evening — The International Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship in Israel and Japan was held at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies or also known as GRIPS (Roppongi, Tokyo).
    H.E. Ayelet Shaked, the Minister of Justice of the State of Israel, was the special guest during her timely visit to Japan in the same week. Among many things she spoke of was ‘HELP!’, a smart phone application that promotes volunteerism and mutual responsibility, as an example of social innovation initiatives in Israel, which is known as a start-up nation.
    ​The main lectures were by two social innovation experts from Israel and Japan. Prof. Nir Tsuk from Israel (Guest Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at King's College London and the University of Osaka), and Prof. Toshiya Tsujita from Osaka (Associate Professor at the Center for the Study of Co* Design in Social Innovation Division of Osaka University) took the stage.
    The speakers touched on the fact a lot of Israelis are not afraid of failures, as one of its characteristics underlying the entrepreneurship-thriving environment in Israel.
    Also mentioned was about collaboration potentials between Japan and Israel in social entrepreneurship where both countries would be able to learn from each other's strengths (an example would be Israeli strengths that can be combined with Japan’s creativity seen in anime). The discussion was about how the view point toward promoting social innovation should be and necessity for industry-government-academia collaboration.
    Event details (Incl. Minister & Speakers bios)

    Minister Shaked

    Prof. Tsuk

    Prof. Tsujita

    Prof. Sunami joined the discussion