Start JLM 2018 Competition in Japan

Start JLM 2018 Competition in Japan

  •   Get your startup to the next level, win a trip to a special innovation program in Jerusalem now!

    Application Form (Start JLM 2018 Application Form.docx)

    Start JLM brings together innovative, early-stage startup founders from around the globe to explore and experience Jerusalem’s vibrant startup ecosystem. This is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to connect and benefit from interaction with prominent local tech leaders in a 7-day immersive program, featuring interactive fireside chats and panels, specially designed how-to workshops, site visits at leading companies and exclusive networking meet-ups with the city’s start-up community. The program is running for the second year now after a phenomenal success last year. 
    Start JLM 2018 competition in Japan
    The embassy of Israel in Tokyo is hosting a special competition for early-stage startup founders in Japan, in the fields of health and life science. The winner of the first prize will receive a flight ticket to Israel together with full hosting and the right to participate in the "Start JLM" program.
    Please send us the items listed below by email:
    >One-minute company pitch video presented by the competition participant  (Tell us about your company, business goals, corporate vision and mission). The video must be in English.
    The competition entries will be judged by the embassy's special commitee.
    Deadline: 19 October 2018
    Day of the result announcement: 24 October 2018
    Trip to Israel: 10-17 November 2018
               The competition participant must be a company manager / founder, and be able to communicate in English. 
               The program’s costs are fully funded by the organizers.
               Japanese startups eligible only.
    Start JLM Program Agenda (November 11 to 17, 2018)
    The program will expose participants to many of the issues that relate to startups and successful tech companies and will comprise high-end content and mentoring by the leading movers and shakers of the Jerusalem innovation scene. 
    The workshops will include 7 main pillars:
    •   #JLMstars - Inspiring and mind-opening talks from the most prominent entrepreneurs and investors in the Jerusalem startup scene, such as Ellie Wurtman, Pini Lozowick, and many more.
    •  #FastForward - A unique glance into the future of innovation with some world-renowned visionaries and innovators such as Saul Singer and Jon Medved.
    •  #ThinkDifferent - Immersive, hands-on workshops led by local experts. These workshops, all of Israeli origin and invented by Israeli entrepreneurs, will expose the StartJLM2018 participants to innovative thinking methods and new collaboration exercises. 
    •  #BioFeed - State of the art lectures by entrepreneurs and professors such as professor Yaacov "Kobi" Nahmias, Dr. Yaron Danieli and professor Oded Shoseyov showcasing the latest innovations in biotech.
    •  #SiteVisits - Fascinating tours throughout the key players in Israel and particularly in Jerusalem such as Orcam, TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries and more.
     #NetworkingJLM - Meetups, speed-dating and mentor sessions aimed at expanding the participants’ network and enhance the connection to the Jerusalem startup ecosystem.
    In addition, the participants will be exposed to Jerusalem’s history, culture and charm.
    •  #WarmWelcoming - Intimate encounters with Israeli leaders.
    •  #JLMvibe - Buzzing social/professional events and special dinners that will expose the StartJLM participants to the unique Jerusalem communities and people.
    •  #Fun&Tours - Insightful and breathtaking tours around Jerusalem's prime locations and tourist attractions.
    For additional information, please visit
    Why Jerusalem? Jerusalem is one of the fastest growing tech hubs. It is the leading city in Israel for life science innovation with over 150 companies in this field including Orcam, TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries, Medinol, Oridion (acquired by Covidien), Omrix (acquired by Johnson & Johnson), Sigma Aldrich and many others. Jerusalem’s multicultural energy has created a unique environment for creators and innovators to connect and bring their world-changing ideas together. 
    Why Israel? Israel is recognized globally as the “Start-Up Nation,” a major hub for technology and innovation. Through its wealth of human capital, Israel has generated more startup companies than most large industrial nations. In addition, Israel has attracted over twice as much venture capital investment per capita as the US, and 30 times more than all the members of the European Union combined.