Pope Francis Visits Israel

Pope Francis Visits Israel

    ​Pope Francis has arrived in Israel on Sunday afternoon, May 25, 2014.
    His Holiness Pope Francis is the fourth Pope to come to the Holy Land.

    During his two day visit the Pope will be visiting a number of key places and people, with the main focus of his visit centering around the holy city of Jerusalem.
    One highlight of the trip will be a historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Athenagoras I, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Ecumenical meeting between Pope Paul VI and the Patriarch. This will be followed by a dinner and meeting with Patriarchs and Bishops at the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem.
    Other highlights of his trip will include individual meetings with both President Peres and Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Pope will lay a wreath at the grave of Theodore Herzl, visit Israel's Holocaust museum Yad Vashem, and meet with religious leaders from across Israel.
    Finally Pope Francis will participate in Holy Mass in the Room of the Last Supper (Cenacle) before returning to Rome and the Vatican.
    President Peres welcomes Pope Francis to Israel
    PM Netanyahu welcomes Pope Francis to Israel
    Photo: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs