Memorandum of understanding between ISCS and FIRM

MoU in the field of regenerative medicine

    To provide the platform for commercial deliverables and interactions between Japan and Israel in the field of regenerative medicine,
    The Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine (FIRM) and Israel Stem Cell Society (ISCS) have concluded the Memorandum of Understanding
    on February 26th, 2018.
    The ceremony for the signing took place at the Residence of Ambassador of the State of Israel to Japan. Mr. Yuzo Toda, FIRM’s Chair, and The Ambassador. Yaffa Ben-Ari co-voiced that,
    “Given that both countries are known for their originality and innovation, and the fact that this partnership is in the field of regenerative medicine, which itself is original, proves that this is not mere addition of two, but rather multipliers. There is a mission to breakthrough to achieve the building of society that cultivate healthy aging.  
    The Forum for Innovative Regenerative Medicine (FIRM)
    Israel Stem Cell SocietyISCS