Japan-Israel Agriculture Technology Symposium on March 26 in Tsukuba

Japan-Israel Agriculture Technology Symposium

  •   “Accelerating Implementation by Intercultural Collaboration” (Mar 26 in Tsukuba)

    The second symposium organized by Japan's National Agriculture and Food Research Organization(NARO) and Israel's Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) will focus on two key elements: “water use” and “international collaboration”. The former is the key word in ARO-NARO’s joint research projects that started based on the FY2017 International Joint Research Pilot Program by ministries in charge of both countries, and the latter plays a growingly important role in R&D in recent years and the future. The symposium aims to discuss the findings that can lead to research acceleration and social implementation, and the possibility of further collaboration between the two countries, by sharing experiences and discoveries obtained from international collaboration activities by researchers in both Japan and Israel with different customs and cultural backgrounds. 

    Speakers include NARO's counterpart researchers from ARO. Representatives from two companies will speak behind-the-scenes of “complimentary” Japan-Israel collaboration with ‘agriculture’ as a key word.

    Admission is free and registration is required. 
    Participation is open to public, especially for researchers from related fields and anyone from industry, who are interested in the exit strategy of research and development in Israel and joint research with Israel, which in recent years has been known as a start-up nation in recent years.
    A poster session will be held during the networking and if you wish to show your research reports and company promotional materials, please include that information in the registration form.


    ・Date: Tuesday, March 26 from 13:00 to 16:45
    ・Venue: International Conference Hall, Tsukuba Center for Institutes 
    (Address: 2-20-5 Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki)
    ・Support: Embassy of Israel in Japan
    ・Inquiry: International Relations Office, NARO
    (Tel: 029-838-8285 / E-mail: naro-intl-event@ml.affrc.go.jp

    About the Israel-Japan Joint Research in Agricultural Technology

    Going back to the 1st symposium on November 28, 2016, researchers from both ARO and NARO gave lectures in the theme of “Japan-Israel Collaborative Integration of Advanced Water Use Technologies for Horticulture Production”.

    On the 30th of the same month, the Memorandum of Cooperation on a Coordinated Grant Competition for Conducting Research in Agricultural Science was signed Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and between the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat of Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). The MOC enabled promotion of the bilateral cooperation in human exchanges between agricultural technology research institutes and joint research support through open calls. As a result, the International Joint Research Pilot Program in the Strategic International Joint Research Promotion Program opened its call for proposals and selected four of ARO-NARO projects in 2017. Since then, ARO and NARO have been jointly developing new horticulture production technologies using reclaimed water.

    PHOTO: StateofIsrael