Israeli Assistance following the Earthquake in Nepal

 Earthquake in Nepal - Israeli Assistance

  • Photo Copyright: Magen David Adom
    Upon receiving the first reports of the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal on Saturday, 25 April 2015, Israel immediately initiated the supply of emergency humanitarian aid, flights to bring rescue and medical teams to the area, and the establishment of a field hospital.
    The first Israeli rescue plane, from the Home Front Command, landed in Kathmandu on Sunday (26 April). On the same day, Magen David Adom (Israel's Red Cross National Society) sent a plane to Nepal with a delegation of doctors and paramedics.
    A 260 member mission from the Home Front Command was sent to Nepal on Monday (27 April). The mission rapidly established and opened an advanced multi-department hospital in Kathmandu, equipped with approximately 95 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies from Israel and a medical staff of 122 doctors, nurses and paramedics, to provide care for disaster casualties. The facility and includes pediatric, surgical, internal medicine, neonatal, and radiology departments as well as a maternity ward and emergency and operating rooms. The hospital has the equipment, capacity and manpower to treat approximately 200 patients each day.
    The mission also comprises highly skilled search and rescue teams from the IDF National Search and Rescue Unit, who commenced operation in Kathmandu on Tuesday (28 April).
    The Israeli mission arrived in three Air Force planes (two cargo and one passenger) and two El Al planes (one cargo and one passenger) loaded with emergency aid.
    Several Israeli humanitarian NGOs are also active on the ground, with emergency medical personnel, search and rescue teams and psycho-social experts.
    In addition to the emergency assistance, Israel is committed to actively contribute to Nepal's long term reconstruction and rehabilitation. The activity will be led by Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) and include civil society organizations which are active in this field. The details will be determined together with the Government of Nepal, in accordance with the long term needs arising in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake.
    For many years, Israel's expertise in responding rapidly and effectively to mass casualty emergencies has been used in the international arena, to assist countries in the immediate aftermath of both natural and man-made disasters. In the recent past, Israeli emergency aid missions have provided vital assistance to the Philippines, Japan, Haiti and other disaster-stricken countries.