Israel under fire - IDF responds

Israel Under fire - Operation Protective Edge

  •   Objective: Restore Long-Term Quiet to Israeli Civilians

    Photo: Avihai Jorno inspects the damage to his home in Sderot hit by a rocket fired from Gaza. (Reuters)




    >1620+ rockets fired towards Israel since start of Operation Protective Edge July 8

    >Dozens of rockets fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

    >75% of population in Israel threatened by Hamas rocket fire

    >Despite rockets Israel continues to coordinate humanitarian aid to Gaza

    >Hamas has fired 100 rockets from Gaza that have landed within their territory​. On July 13, a rocket fired from Gaza hit electricity infrastructure in Israel that supplied power to 70,000 people in Gaza. On July 12, a Gaza rockets hit the West Bank and an UNRWA facility in Gaza.

    Israel has made repeated efforts to de-escalate the situation, only to be met with aggression and terror from Hamas. On Tuesday, Israel agreed to the Egyptian ceasefire proposal, whereas Hamas rejected it and continued firing rockets at Israeli cities. Hamas also failed to honor the humanitarian ceasefire initiated by the UN and continued firing at Israeli cities during the lull. Israel commenced this operation after we had exhausted the other possibilities, and with the understanding that without action, the price that we would pay would be much greater.

    Israel’s objective was and remains putting an end to terror attacks from Gaza on our homeland, and providing the citizens of Israel with the peace and quiet to which they are entitled. We are steadfast in our commitment to achieve this objective, whether militarily or diplomatically. All options are on the table and the Israeli Defense Forces are ready to take any action that will be necessary, including further expansion of ground operations.

    Israel’s ground operation into Gaza is aimed at targeting Hamas' tunnels that enable terrorists to cross the border and carry out terror attacks against Israelis. The terror tunnel uncovered yesterday is one of many such tunnels that the IDF has discovered in recent years. In 2013, for example, the IDF uncovered a tunnel from Gaza to Israel that was 59 feet underground and extended for one mile. Hamas used a similar tunnel in 2006 in order to infiltrate Israel, kill two IDF soldiers, and kidnap Corporal Gilad Shalit. Hamas has repeatedly said that it wants to kidnap more Israelis in similar attacks.
    Hamas builds these terror tunnels close to Israeli communities in order to infiltrate and abduct Israelis. Already, the IDF has uncovered 8 terror tunnels in Gaza and 21 rocket launchers. Israel will defend its citizens in response to Hamas's unceasing aggression & infiltrations into Israeli territory,

    "I cannot condemn strongly enough the actions of Hamas in so brazenly firing rockets in the face of a goodwill effort to offer a ceasefire….We urge all parties to support this ceasefire,” said Secretary John Kerry. “Israel has the right to defend itself.”

    Israel’s activity is aimed solely at Hamas terrorists and infrastructure. Israel and Israelis yearn for the day they can live in peace and quiet, side-by-side with their Palestinian neighbors. We initiate any and every measure to avoid civilians deaths on both sides of this conflict.

    We thank President Obama, Congress and the international community for their unequivocal condemnation of Hamas rocket fire on Israeli cities and for their clear-cut support for Israel's right to self-defense. Thanks to American investment, the Iron Dome is successfully deployed and has proven its effectiveness intercepting the barrage of rockets fired towards Israel’s populated areas.

    Hamas terrorists, violating international law, do not care about Israeli civilians nor the safety of the Palestinian people. Hamas has positioned rocket launchers, weapons stores, leadership facilities, command and control centers, communication facilities and other terrorist infrastructures among the civilian population of Gaza. The sites - and the sites of actual rocket launchers - are deliberately located in, near or under homes, schools, hospitals and mosques, leaving Palestinian civilians deliberately exposed to grave danger. Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has fired at least 100 rockets from Gaza that have landed within their territory, putting Palestinians at even further risk. Hamas' use of human shields is not just a breach of international law, and a war crime, but is also condemned loudly within some segments of the Arab population that condemn the extortion of Gaza civilians by Hamas.
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    May their memory be blessed.