Israel and Japan announce official logo marking the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations

Official Logo - 70 Years of Diplomatic Relations


    The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Israel and Japan announce the official logo for the 70th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the State of Israel in 2022.

    This logo expresses the joint desire to further advance toward the future the bilateral relations, which have been dramatically flourishing in recent years based on the ties of a 70-year friendship.
    Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Website
    "Israel and Japan announce official logo marking the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations"
    With a view to celebrating this landmark year and further promoting exchanges between the two countries, a wide range of events to be held in Japan and in Israel can be endorsed as the commemorative event celebrating the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Those events with endorsement are authorized to use the official anniversary logo.  Guidelines for the endorsement are as follows:
     1. Eligibility
    (1) Events should contribute to deepening mutual understanding and promoting friendship between Japan and Israel in a wide range of areas such as culture, art, sport, education, tourism, economy and science.
    (2) Events should take place in Japan or in Israel in 2022 in principle (events at the beginning of 2023 could also be eligible on an exceptional basis.).
    (3) Events should not fall under any of the categories below:
    (a) Those events which are against public order or public morality,
    (b) Those events which violate or may violate laws or regulations of Japan or Israel,
    (c) Those events which do not serve the purpose of promoting friendships between Japan and Israel,
    (d) Those events which advocate any particular belief, political ideology or religion,
    (e) Those events which do not serve the public interest, or
    (f) Those events which are mainly for commercial purposes.
    . Application Process
    Those who plan to apply are kindly requested to contact the following Embassies for pre-consultation. Necessary documents for application will be communicated through this pre-consultation.
    (1) For events taking place in Israel: Culture Section, Embassy of Japan in the State of Israel
    Address: Museum Tower, 19F 4 Berkowitz St. Tel-Aviv, Israel
    Tel: +972-3-695-7292
    (2) For events taking place in Japan: Public Diplomacy Section, Embassy of Israel in Japan
    Address: 3 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0084
    Tel: 03-3264-0911
    3. Report on the completion of the event
    After the completion of the event, a summary report (Word) on the content and the results of the event should be submitted to the Embassy.
    4. Points to Note
    (1) Notes for sending application:
    (a) Submitted documents will not be returned.
    (b) We may contact applicants and ask for submission of additional documents if application is incomplete.
    (c) Last-minute application or application lacking sufficient documentation may not be accepted.
    (d) Any inquiries regarding the screening process will not be responded to.
    (2) Notes for the preparation and implementation of events
    (a) Organizers of the event shall bear full responsibility for the implementation of the event even when it is endorsed as the commemorative event, and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Israel will not bear any responsibility by the endorsement of the event. Endorsement of the event does not mean providing financial support for the event.
    (b) In a case that the event is cancelled or major change of the event is made, the information should be reported promptly to the Embassy.
    (c) The official recognition can be withdrawn if any of the following cases below apply.
    >  When the organizer did not report to the Embassy promptly in case that any change accrued from the time of application, in any of the details regarding the event as they appear in the application form.
    > When it turned out that the event falls under any of the cases of 1(3) (a) to (f) as details of the event that had not been included in the application documents were later identified or the content of the event was changed from the time of application.
    > When the organizer changed the aspect ratio, color or design of the anniversary logo, or used the anniversary logo for non-authorized events.