Israel Ministry of Health Mission visits Japan

Visit of Israel Ministry of Health Mission

    As economic and scientific cooperative relations between Japan and Israel in various routes, Prof. Itamar Grotto, Associate Director General, and Prof. Avi Israeli, Chief Scientist of Israel Ministry of Health visited Japan from 
    12 – 15 Sept.


    The mission visited the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), the Institute of Medical Science in the University of Tokyo (IMSUT), the Center of Open Innovation Network for Smart Health (COINS) in the Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM), the Center Center for iPS Cell Research and Application in Kyoto University (CiRA), and the Center of Medical Innovation and Translational Research in Osaka University (COMIT) looking for future potentials in collaboration with Japan in medical research.


    Both professors also gave a lecture titled "the Israel Health System: from Innovation to Improved Health" in the IMSUT Gakuyukai Seminar and spoke on Israel's current status in life science and regenerative medicine. Representatives from Israeli life science companies, Pluristem Therapeutics and TEVA Group, joined and introduced their medical technologies.


    Also, as Israel's aging society advances, which Japan is a leading country in the field, the mission visited an elderly home Zenkoukai's "Santafe Garden", which incorporates robotics to its elderly care.


    Further, the mission visited Dr. Yasuhiro Otomo, Japan's leader in CBRNE research at Tokyo Medical and Dentist University and the Disaster Medical Center where Japan DMAT Secretariat is located as the mission wished to learn from Japan's experiences in disaster measures.



    <Related article and report>


    •Nikkei Biotech posted on Sept 16


    •Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)


    •Center of Open Innovation Network for Smart Health (COINS)


    •Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM)


    •Center of Medical Innovation and Translational Research, Osaka University (COMIT)



    Front row, left to right: Prof. Israeli, Chief Scientist; Ambassador Kahanoff; Prof. Grotto, Assoc. Director General; 

    Dr. Suematsu, President of AMED

    ER Center of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University Medical Hospital 

    Left: Prof. Israeli, Right: Dt. Otomo, ER Center Director

    Group photo from the Gakuyukai Seminar at the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo
    Center right: Prof. Israeli; Center left: Prof. Grotto