HIBUKI Puppets for TOHOKU kids

HIBUKI Puppets for TOHOKU Kids



    With the ongoing aid Israel is providing the Tohoku region, another two Israeli therapists are currently visiting Japan providing tools for nurses and parents to cope with children suffering tsunami post-trauma.
    Dr. Shai Hen-Gal, Clinical Psychologist and Dr. Flora Mor, Psychotherapist both working for the JDC organization (Joint Distribution Committee) in Jerusalem, brought with them the HIBUKI puppet to hug and comfort the children of Sendai. while in Japan they are also lecturing at Ichikawa Medical Center, Chiba and Tokyo Kasei University.
    Hibuki (Hebrew for “huggy”) is a sad-faced stuffed dog with long arms that can hug.
    it is an Israeli-developed therapy technique which is used to enable children who would be reluctant to explain why they themselves are sad or afraid , instead tell parents, teacher or nurses why Hibuki is sad. Additionally, 'taking care' of Hibuki helps them heal by diverting them from their own trauma.
    For more info on JDC activities, please log on to www.jdc.org