Culture Mail Magazine Eng 201607

Israeli cultural events information July 2016

    ​​ New and upcoming Israel-related cultural events in Japan​​​


    SABON Mango Kiwi Beach House

    SABON celebrates the eighth year of its advance to Japan next month, will open the  annual beach house at Yuigahama Beach in Kamakura City (Kanagawa prefecture). There, people can enjoy not only cosmetics and perfume but also healthy Israeli dish, drinks and several out-door activities such as Yoga and Pilates as nature friendly life style of Tel Aviv Beach.


    The SABON’s  key word of this beach house is “Mango and Kiwi” .

    We can enjoy the items of the mango kiwi in the luxury shower room and powder room , and feeling the lingering scent of the mango kiwi on skin after a shower 




    ceYuigahama Beach (Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa-ken/ 15min. walk from JR Kamakura station, 7 min. walk from Enoden Yuigahama station)

    DateFri. July 1 Wed. Aug. 31

    Time9:002030 depend on the weather


    Locker/Shower Room/Dresser Room

    Price¥2,500(including tax) / under high school student 800(including tax)

    InquirySABONJapan  TEL:0120-380-688




    Index of July 2016


    1.       Sadao Watanabe with Gilad Hekselman, Ben Williams & Ulysess Owens Jr.


    2.       Hokusai-kabuki - The rite of summer & Concert of Ronen Sh



    3.       Erik Satie’s Opera ‘Socrate’ -Joint project of Waseda University & Tel Aviv University


    4.       Doron Schleifer & Aki Noda-Meurice  Duo Concert  - Sounds of 17 Century Italy led by great unknown composers  


    5.       Meshulash (SANKAKU), Japan x Israel x Sweden Contemporary Dance Project


    6. New book and DVD (book"Shiftsof perception in the American Jewish community toward Israel and a new trend of the Israel lobby in U.S./ DVDRunBoy Run”) 


    Other News


         Oscar winning long documentary film “AMY”


         The 17th International High School Students Exhibition



    1. Sadao Watanabe with Gilad Hekselman, Ben Williams & Ulysses Owens Jr.

    Sadao Watanabe is one of the most famous jazz musicians in Japan.

    He was born in Tochigi Prefecture in 1933. Moved to Tokyo after graduating high-school. In 1962, moved to Boston to study at Berklee College of Music after participating in many band sessions as a alto saxophone player. Representing as a top Japanese musician, also known as a talented photographer, publishes six picture books. As an Executive Producer of the Japanese Government Exhibition Project for the 2005 in Japan, advocates the message "World Peace" through music.



    Sadao Watanabe(sax)  Gilad Hekselman(g)  Ben Williams(b)  Ulysses Owens Jr.(ds)



    71日(金),  74日(月)
     [1st] Open 5:00pm Start 6:30pm /  [2nd] Open 8:20pm  Start 9:00pm

    2日(土), 73 日(
     [1st] Open 3:30pm  Start 4:30pm   /  [2nd] Open 6:30pm  Start 7:30pm


    Place: Blue Note TokyoMinami Aoyama

    Admission: Music Charge 8500 yen

    Reservation: Blue Note Tokyo TEL:03-5485-0088

    Official site


    Gilad Hekselman(g) 

    Gilad Hekselman has been developing a reputation as one of the most promising guitarists in New York since his arrival in 2004. After only a few years this native Israeli has shared the stage with some of the greatest artists in the New York City jazz scene including Chris Potter, Mark Turner, John Scofield, Anat Cohen, Ari Hoenig, Esperanza Spalding, Sam Yahel, Jeff Ballard, Gretchen Parlato, Avishai Cohen, Jeff 'Tain' Watts, Tigran Hamasyan, Aaron Parks and Greg Hutchinson. Born in Israel in 1983, Gilad studied classical piano from age 6 and began studying guitar at the age of 9. From age 12 to 14 he performed regularly with the band of a weekly children's television show. He attended the prestigious Thelma Yellin School of Arts, graduating with excellence from the jazz department at age 18. Gilad received the America - Israel Cultural Foundation Scholarship for studies abroad to attend The New School in New York, where he completed his BFA in performing arts in 2008.




    Theater-X International Theater and Dance Festival 2016

    2.Hokusai-kabuki - The rite of summer & Concert of Ronen Shapira

    Katsushika Hokusai, one of the most famous of all Japanese artists, was born in 1760 in Honjo Warigesui, now known as Hokusai Dōri Street in the Kamezawa area of Tokyo’s Sumida City. He lived to the ripe old age of 90. In his long life he produced numerous masterpieces, and he spent much of it in Sumida. To celebrate and honor this local artist, and to promote the distinctive culture of his hometown to Japan and the world, Sumida City has decided to open a museum dedicated to Hokusai.

    Therefore the cultural institutes in the area recently hold a lot of events inspired by Hokusai very actively, this Ronen Shapira’s is one of them. 

    Hokusai-kabuki The rite of summer byTheatrical Company CANARIA

    Direction and script : Kensho Yamamoto
    Composition and performance  : Ronen Shapira / act by Japanese actors


    Concert of Ronen Shapira  

    Composition and performanceRonen Shapira (Piano and Synthesizer)
    with Japanese SHAKUHACHI player



    un. Jul. 3 at 14:30


    er-X (Sumita-ku, Ryogoku, Tokyo

    Admission1000 yen non-reserved seat


    er-X TEL: 03-5624-1181

    Official site

    Ronen Shapira
    Born in 1966, Ronen Shapira is a multi-disciplinary Artist and Composer, Philosopher of sorts and Music Educator, 
    Among his teachers of piano and composition are Andre Haydu, the late Israeli Queen of the Piano - Pnina Sallzman and Leah Agmon. 
    Received his BA in the Tel Aviv Academy of music, his MA in Jazz at the Michigan University And his Doctor's degree at NW in Chicago, 
    where he studied with William Bolcom and Alan Stout. Shapira writes music for the Future concert halls of the Global Age. 
    This music presents demands on both the player and the listener, such as responding to new types of aesthetics and moods of western 
    as well as middle and far eastern sounds and attitudes as well as the ability to combine them to produce new multicultural connections.


    Free Klezmer Composition by Orkester Dreydel  


    Played by Chitoshi Hinoue Clarinet, Anna Gladkovaviolin, Kotaro HataAccordion


    With following performances

    *Metamorphose by Chie Shimizu

    *The BLUEby Izumi Yamada & Chizuko Kotani P Company

    *exist ,weby MutsumiNeiro



    Sat. July 9 at 14:30



    Admission1000 yennon-reserved seat






    3.Erik Satie’s Opera ‘Socrate’ -  Joint project of Waseda Uni. & Tel Aviv Uni.

    Michal Grover-Friedlander, Associate Professor of Tel Aviv University and an opera director, has engaged in performance activity as an opera director while conducting research as a musicologist in the aesthetics of voice.

    In this project, Prof. Grover-Friedlander will direct a performance of Socrate (composed by Erik Satie), accompanied by a lecture, a symposium, and other events. Nowadays there are many chances to attend an opera or other musical entertainments, but it is rare to watch the backstage work of the director of a theatre. Through these events, let's enjoy watching the process by which the fascination of music is made visible under the hand of Prof. Grover-Friedlander.

    Project leader: Prof. Shizuo Ogino, Director of Institute for Research in Opera and Music Theatre, Waseda University


    <Workshop : “Viewing a Rehearsal of Socrate ”(open rehearsal) >


    Date: Sun. July 3, at 14:00

    Place: Ono Auditorium (Waseda University)

    Admission: Free

    On this day only, we'll perform a public rehearsal of Socrate. In addition to observing how Prof. Grover-Friedlander directs this musical drama, we can enjoy the physical expression of dancers Mr. Takenoshita, Ms. Dotan andMs. Sandel,and the beautiful voices of countertenors Doron Schleifer and Taiki Ikemizu. We will also hear the excellent narration of Mr. Kurokawa.

    <Satie’s Socrate (full staging)>

    Date: Sun. July 10, at 13:00 and 17:00 (2 performances)

    Place: Ono Auditorium


    Director : Prof. Michal Grover-Friedlander

    Assistant directors : Dr. Arisa Tachi and Mariko Kasahara (TokyoUniversity)

    Introduction: Prof. Eli Friedlander(Tel Aviv University)

    Singers: Doron Schleifer (countertenor) and Daiki Ikemizu (countertenor)

    Dancers: Ryo Takenoshita, Noam Sandel,  Batel Dotan

    Narrator: Takehiko Kurokawa

    Management: Student volunteersof Waseda University


    <Closing events: Screening of the full staging of Socrate, followed by talks>

    Date: Thu. July 14, at 18:30

    Place: Ono Auditorium

    Chair: Dr. Arisa Tachi

    Talks by: Prof. Michal Grover-Friedlander, Prof. Shizuo Ogino and Mariko Kasahara


    *For all the events, reservation and admission are not required . Lecture will be with Japanese translation




    Michal Grover Friedlander


    Michal Grover-Friedlander is the head of the Musicology Program in the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music at Tel Aviv University . She teaches in the Musicology program and the Interdisciplinary program in the Arts at Tel Aviv University . Her new book Operatic Afterlives is forthcoming (2011) by Zone books, New York . Her most recent book-length project is provisionally entitled The Opera Whisperer concerns developing a theory of directing opera's voices focusing on twentieth century opera. Her areas of research are 19 -21  century opera; aesthetics of voice; opera as cinema and opera as theatre; interdisciplinary approaches to opera; music and critical theory; theories and methodologies of the discipline of musicology; opera direction. Since 2005, Michal Grover-Frielander has been directing opera in summer festivals in Italy (Teatro Communale Diego Fabbri, Forli) and Germany (Friedberger Musiksommer, Friedberg) among them Puccini's, Gianni Schicchi and Ravel, L'heure espagno .

    In 2010 she has directing Weill and Brecht's Der Jasager at Tel Aviv University and at the Brecht Festival in Dimona (branch of the Israel Festival) together with CulturaLab Dimona's performance of Brecht's Der Neinsager .



    Doron Schleifer & Aki Noda-Meurice Duo Concert  - Sounds of 17 Century Italy led by great unknown composers

    "Let’s enjoy the work of passing away composers who do not come out to many faces that I located in a library of Basel for long time!"


    Doron Schleifer who appears for a joint project of above-mentioned Waseda University and Tel Aviv University is the first person of ancient music and the historic religious music study. In addition to the activity as the singer, he acts as the leader of the Basel synagogue chorus and a musical director. This chorus is founded more than 80 years ago and is said to be the only group keeping the tradition until today without being affected by World War II and the Holocaust.



    Doron Schleifer (Countertenor)

    Aki Noda Meurice   (Organ)




    Fri. Jul. 15 at 18:3



    holic Higashiyama Church





    teSun. Jul. 17 at 15:00



    eKanda Christ Church





    "Ostella caeli", "Gaudete et exultate"

    "Laudate Domin


    Canzona quart


    "Pulchra es amica me



    uccinate in neo menia tuba" "Dulcis Christe ad teveni


    "Audite fideles anime" and more


    Admissionadvance2.500 yen / on spot  3.000 yen / university students 1.000 yen (only on spot)

    Ticket PIA, Seven Eleven, Circle K Thanks and TKN Society TEL: 090-6584-2928 , and Kawai & Yamaha music stores in Nagoya


    Doron S



    Doron is a counter tenor singer, a member of Ta Opera Zuta established 10 years ago, is an ensemble whose members are musicians, singers and researchers in the fields of art, humanities and theater. He is also member of Profeti della Quinta and Corina Marti of La Morra which is a unique group composed by Israeli musicians presenting ancient European music. In addition to the activity as the singer, he acts as the leader of the Basel synagogue chorus and a musical director. This chorus is founded more than 80 years ago and is said to be the only group keeping the tradition until today without being affected by World War II and the Holocaust.





    Meshulash (SANKAKU), Japan x Israel x Sweden Contemporary Dance Project

    Daniel from Sweden, Etay raised in Israel, Japanese Chiaki Hotta created the comtemporay dance performance Meshulash (in Hebrew the meaning of "the triangle") . After the tour in each mother country Sweden and  Israel, the production is coming to Japan goes ashore at last ! The stage will be traveling to Niigata, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Kyoto.



    hiaki Horita (Batsheva Ensemble), Etay Axselroad (Batsheva Ensemble), Danielle de Vries (freelance)



    DateMon. Jul. 25 at 17:30/19:302 perf





    Admission1500 yen



    DateThu. Jul. 28

    at 20:00

    PlaceMitaka Culture CenterHoshino Hall

    Admission: 3000 yen / under 20 years old 1500y en



    DateThu. Aug. 4 at 17:30 / 19:302perfo


    PlaceJMS Aster Plaz, Rehearsal Room

    Admission1000 yen



    DateThu. Aug. 11 at 15:00 /19:00 2perform


    PlaceKyoto Art Center

    Admission1500 yen



    Workshop will be held in Tokyo at Jul.23, 24, 26


    Recommendation for non-dancers↓

    Sun. Jul. 24 at 13:30-14:30 Stretch Class / for anybody over junior high school student

    Tue. Jul. 26 at 18:30-19:45 GAGA People /for anybody over jounir high school studentGAGAis an original fisical method of the Batsheva Dance Company


    Follow Today’s “Meshulash” !


    Danielle de Vries

    Born in 1990 in Goteborg in Sweden, joined in Goteborg Opera Dance Company in 2009, performed the pieces of Mats Ek, Sasha Waltz.  Since 2015 works as freelance based in Stockholm




    ay Axelroad

    Born in 1995 in Romania, raised in Israel. Experienced in the American Academy of Ballet Summer Course in 2012. And joined in the Batsheva Ensemble in 2013 by now.


    Chiaki Horita

    Born in 1989 in Hiroshima. Worked in the dance company Noism with Joe Kanamori for two years. In 2008 joined NDT ll for three years. Then moved to Goteborg Opera Dance Company in 2011for three years. In 2014 invited as guest artist of the “Japon dance project CLOUD/CROWD” at the New National Theater. Since January 2015, joined the Batsheva Ensemble.




    6.New Book & D




    とアメリカ 揺れ動くイスラエル・ロビー』 

    "Shifts of perception in the American Jewish community toward Israel and a new trend of the Israel lobby in U.S.”  by Prof. Ryoji Tateyama / Chuo Koron Shinsha / 820 yen (not including tax)


    In a fundamental shift, growing numbers of American Jews have become less willing to unquestioningly support Israel and more willing to publicly criticize its government. More than ever before, American Jews are arguing about Israeli policies, and many, especially younger ones, are becoming uncomfortable with Israel's treatment of Palestinians.



    DVDふたつの名前を持つ少年』  Run Boy Run” film based on the novel of Uri Orlev  / Walt Disney Japan 3800yen DVD + Blu-ray 108min Japanese subtitle /Voice over

    an eight-year-old boy, flees from the Warsaw ghetto in 1942. He attempts to survive, at first alone in the forest, and then as a Christian orphan named Jurek on a Polish farm. Throughout his ordeal, his Jewish

    identity is in danger of being lost. The story is based on the bestseller by Uri Orlev.


    ctor: Pepe Danquart


    rs: Heinrich Hadding (screenplay), Pepe Danquart (collaboration on screenpla


    Stars: Andrzej Tkacz, Kamil Tkacz, Elisabeth Duda



    Other news


     Oscar winning long documentary “AMY” will be released.


    Amy Winehouse who born in Jewish family in UK, made great success in entertainment business as a singer, but died young in 2011 age 27. This documentary won the 88th Oscar Long Documentary Award. The distribution starts from sat. J


    Official site


    The 17th International High School Students Exhibition by IFAC


    International High School Arts Festival is the only national art exhibition in Japan that accepts artworks submitted exclusively by high school students. This year we will be organizing the 17th International High School Arts Festival.

    The purposes of this art festival are to nurture young talents of the 21st century and to promote international exchange through art, thereby helping to develop individuals who can make their contribution to the international community in the future. Towards this end, we exhibit artworks of outstanding merit made by overseas high school students alongside award-winning artworks by Japanese high school students.


    Open by Sun. July 3 at New National Gallery (Roppongi). Admission Free

    <Israeli participants>

    Alma Haas / Yuval Diamant / Oli beery / Tal Danciger / Allison Magami

    InquiryNPO IFAC Tel. 03-5336-3507




    Seasonal Greeting


    Despite of annoying rainy days, the watermelon, a summer symbol fruit, begins to appear in the supermarket.

    In Japan we put salt on it to enjoy the emphasis of its sweetness, but in Israel white cheese and spearmint are loved to be match with it.

    You can get more ideas of healthy middle-eastern style food from the book Meyhane Tablewritten by Salam Unagami.



    Thank you always for your constant support to our cultural activities.

    See you in the events !