Ambassador's visit to Shikoku

The Ambassador visits Kagawa and Kochi

  • The Ambassador Kahanoff and her husband with Kagawa Governor Mr. Keizo Hamada and a member of the House of Representatives, Mr. Keitaro Ohno.

    Ambassador Ruth Kahanoff on Feb. 22-24 paid her first visit to the prefectures of Kagawa and Kochi to learn about the region and to explore opportunities for cooperation with Israel in. As agriculture is central to the region's economy she expressed the hope that Israeli advance agriculture technology such as horticulture greenhouse and drip irrigation would be further introduced to the farmers in Shikoku.

    In Kagawa, Ambassador Kahanoff met with Governor Hon. Keizo HAMADA, Kagawa Chamber of Commerce and senior industrialists together with Kagawa Member of House of Representatives Hon. Keitaro Ohno. The Ambassador also visited the Rare Sugar Research Center in Kagawa University meeting its president and senior researchers . She also visited the Zentsuji temple and met with its chief priests.
    In Kochi, Ambassador Kahanoff met with Governor Hon. Masano OZAKI, Chairman of the Kochi Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mr. Akiyasu AOKI, representatives of the National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations (Zen Noh) and visited local industries.
    The Ambassador also visited famous sightseeing spots, the Kochi museum and the Kagawa Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum which reminded her of Israel's Museum's sculptures garden designed by the same artist.

    With the chief priest of the Zentsuji temple, Mr. Zencho Kashihara.


    At the entrance of the Kagawa university rare sugar production station.


    At a meeting with Kochi governor Mr. Masanao Ozaki.