29th International Women Leaders Conference

International Women Leaders Conference

  • Copyright: MASHAV
    The 29th International Conference for Women Leaders opened on 25 October under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Golda Meir Mount Carmel International Training Center (MCTC), in cooperation with UN Women and the UN Development Programme (UNDP). The conference, “Promoting Gender Equality through Economic Empowerment”, is taking place at the Carmel Center in Haifa, the training center of MASHAV, Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation.
    The conference was opened by the Minister for Social Equality, Ms. Gila Gamliel, who said, “There is no reason that in the 21st century women should be subject to discriminatory treatment in comparison with men,” and added that she is determined to lead the way for all government ministries to promote gender equality.
    Ambassador Dr. Amina Mohammed, UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning, and a religious Muslim, said with emotion, “In contrast to what is reported in the world press, I succeeded in going up to Al-Aqsa mosque and praying there.” This was Mohammed’s first visit to Jerusalem. One of the most significant moments she experienced in Jerusalem occurred when she left the mosque, wearing traditional Muslim dress, and was photographed standing next to a Jewish guide, a Christian UN worker and an Israeli soldier. Mohammed thanked Israel for its activities promoting the equality of women in the world.
    Head of MASHAV Ambassador Gil Haskel said, “Especially at this time, I am happy to see a hall filled wall-to-wall with women leaders who have come to Israel from all over the world to learn, together with us and from our experience, how to advance the status of women.”
    The UN is currently leading an action plan for country development. Israel, as a member of the UN and an active partner in this global endeavor, invited the conference participants to cooperate with two UN organizations represented by Ms. Kristin Hetle, Director of Strategic Partnerships, UN Women, and Mr. Michael O’Neall, Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP.
    At the end of her keynote address, Dr. Mohammed noted the unique ability of women to bring people closer, whether within the family or the community, which highlights their importance in advancing peace. She also stressed that, while advancing the status of women and girls is important, men should be included in any development process in order to create a good society. Dr. Mohammed set the tone for the rest of the conference in urging everyone to take action for the sake of social equality in their community; this is the only path, she stated, that will lead to a genuine and necessary change in our time.