Internationell rapport till FN
Rapport till FN: ”Israels agerande i linje med internationell rätt”
Internationell grupp bestående av före detta överbefälhavare, generaler, befälhavare och politiska ledare i rapport till FN: ”Israels agerande i linje med internationell rätt”
En internationell grupp lämnade i fredags in sin rapport om förra årets Gazakrig till FN. Gruppen som leds av tyska Bundeswehrs tidigare överbefälhavare Klaus Naumann och Italiens före detta utrikesminister Giulio Terzi skriver att Israel ”not only met a reasonable international standard of observance of the laws of armed conflict, but in many cases significantly exceeded that standard.”
“We were well aware of the allegations made by some governments, the United Nations, human rights groups and the media, that Israel acted outside the laws of armed conflict in Gaza. Some have suggested that the IDF lacked restraint or even deliberately targeted innocent civilians.
Our findings lead us to the opposite conclusion. We examined the circumstances that led to the tragic conflict last summer and are in no doubt that this was not a war that Israel wanted. In reality Israel sought to avoid the conflict and exercised great restraint over a period of months before the war when its citizens were targeted by sporadic rocket attacks from Gaza. Once the war had begun, Israel made repeated efforts to terminate the fighting. The war that Israel was eventually compelled to fight against Hamas and other Gaza extremists was a legitimate war, necessary to defend its citizens and its territory against sustained attack from beyond its borders.”