Netanyahu och Putin

Netanyahu möter Putin

  •   Premiärminister Netanyahu möter President Putin i Kreml
    Vi hotas av barbariets styrkor. De hotar varje upplyst samhälle i världen. De hugger av huvuden och förstör kulturskatter. Vi vet att vi måste enas för att rädda den mänskliga civilisationen från dem.
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    PM Netanyahu with President Putin at the Kremlin PM Netanyahu with President Putin at the Kremlin : GPO/Haim Zach
    Under tisdagen (den 7 juni 2016) hölls ett längre möte i Kreml mellan premiärminister Netanyahu och President Putin. De diskuterade ett stor antal frågor som bland annat rörde Syrien och de båda ländernas nationella säkerhet. Vidare talade man om att fortsätta med arbetet rörande regional samordning vad gäller ländernas militära enheter som hittills fungerat bra.
    Annat som diskuterades var jordbruksfrågor (där israelisk jordbruksteknologi ska användas inom rysk mjölkproduktion), pensionsavtal, turism, hälsofrågor, medicinproduktion och annat.
    Vid den gemensamma presskonferensen efter mötet mellan de båda ledarna höll premiärminister Netanyahu följande tal:
    “President Putin, I would like to thank you for the hospitality in Moscow and here in the Kremlin. We have just concluded a comprehensive and effective working meeting for the benefit of both countries. We signed several important bilateral agreements in energy, agriculture, and pensions and social insurance rights. This is an asset. I would like to thank you for your cooperation on all of these and in other fields in which we are moving forward toward cooperation that you did well to define in your remarks.
    Today we are celebrating 25 years since the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries. I remember those days, those first years and what preceded them. I was at a meeting between Yitzhak Shamir and Andrei Gromyko in New York. Since then our relations have developed systematically and at an increasing pace; this visit, of course, is a milestone.
    There was a strong bridge for the resumption of relations and the strength of feeling between the two peoples. We will never forget the role of the Russian people and the Red Army in its effort in the east, in tandem with the efforts in the west, to defeat the Nazis. The memorial in Netanya is a concrete and tangible expression of this historical memory. But it was a living bridge in the form of over a million of our citizens who came from the former USSR, Russian speakers from birth, and they truly are splendid ambassadors between our two countries.
    Today we marked the first 25 years of the resumption of relations but we focused mainly on looking forward to the next 25 years. We are cooperating in the fields of technology, innovation and high-tech, in economic matters, trade, tourism and culture – we will soon see a living expression of this at this evening’s performance – and in many other areas.
    Today we decided that there should be focal points of cooperation. Two representatives will be responsible for links regarding innovation and technology between Israel and Russia. I have also expressed my appreciation that not far from here is a Russian government supported institute for the study of the Hebrew language. I also expressed the hope that one day the number of Hebrew speakers in Russia will reach the number of Russian speakers in Israel. This will take a little time but it expresses the growing link between us.
    The future is open to us but we also spoke about the present. We discussed the future of coordination between our militaries in the region, which has worked very well, in preventing confrontations and in ensuring that we work against the same elements that endanger us all. And indeed we spoke at length about our common challenges, those of all civilized countries, such as radical Islam and the terrorism that it spreads.
    Mr. President, the fact that you acceded to my request and that of the IDF Chief-of-Staff to return to Israel the tank from the Battle of Sultan Yacoub attests to the strength of our bilateral relations. This is a humanitarian gesture of the highest order for the families of the MIAs from this battle who for decades have had no grave to visit. We are not abandoning our MIAs and we will continue to look for what happened to them and bring them back home but at this time I would like to thank you on behalf of myself, the people of Israel and the families for this important gesture. It touches our hearts.
    I would like to again express my appreciation for the special and moving welcome that you prepared for me, my wife and the members of our delegation. Our faces are toward the future. Thank you very much.”
    Later, an an event at the Bolshoi Theater to mark the 25th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries, PM Netanyahu made the following remnarks:
    “We are threatened by the forces of barbarism. They threaten every enlightened society on earth. They cut off heads and destroy cultural treasures. We know that we need to unite in order to save human civilization from them. We spoke about this at length and here as well our partnership stems from that same basic and deep link of common values.
    I would like to thank you again for the major role you have taken upon yourself in strengthening ties between our two countries. I am certain that in another 25 years when they look back they will remember this evening as a milestone between Russia and Israel.”