Shimon Peres eulogizing LKY

Former President Shimon Peres eulogizing LKY

    With a heavy heart and great sadness, we bow our head today for the memory of the great leader and visionary, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.


    Former President Shimon Peres eulogizing Lee Kuan Yew:

    With a heavy heart and great sadness, we bow our head today for the memory of the great leader and visionary, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

    Rarely do we encounter a man of vision who creates with sheer courage and determination, a greater nation. A man like him is one of a generation, a generation of leaders who have learned that the reality can be completely different with hope and hard work.

    As a great leader of a small island, he taught us that true wealth lies in human potential, and not in natural resources. Israel and Singapore share this philosophy. I was privileged to be his friend and work with him. He leaves behind a legacy of leadership and vision and will be remembered within our hearts.

    May his memory be blessed.

    From the office of Former President, Mr Shimon Peres, Monday 23 March 2015