Prime Minister Netanyahu meets Prime Miniter Lee Hsien Loong at Istana

Prime Minister Netanyahu meets Prime Minister Lee

  •   Prime Minister Netanyahu meets Prime Miniter Lee Hsien Loong at Istana
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    ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו מתקבל במשמר כבוד על ידי ראש ממשלת סינגפור צילום: חיים צח / לע"מ ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו מתקבל במשמר כבוד על ידי ראש ממשלת סינגפור צילום: חיים צח / לע"מ Copyright: Haim Zach

    During his official visit to Singapore, Prime Minister Netanyahu also meet Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

    During their meeting, Prime Minister Lee expressed appreciation for Israel's assistance in building up Singapore's defense capabilities in the early years after Singapore's independence. He also welcomed the growing bi-lateral relationship between the two countries.