Press Release on Terror Attacks against Israel

Statement on Terror Attacks against Israel

    Since 6pm (IST) on Monday, May 10th, hundreds of rockets and missiles have been launched at Israel which has tragically targeted civilian populations in Southern Israel, Jeruslaem and Tel Aviv – unprovoked. While the Iron Dome defense system was able to intercept a portion of the rockets, some tragically hit their mark – Schools and other harmless civilian centers in Israel, resulting in 5 civilian casualties and dozens more injured.
    The responsibility for the violence unfolding in Jerusalem, Gaza, and the rest of Israel falls entirely on the conscience of the Palestinian Authority, the terrorist organization Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terror supporters.
    The Terrorist Organization Hamas is attempting to overwhelm the Iron Dome by firing 137 rockets in just 5 minutes – However, the real tragic consequence is that 1/3 of such rockets fired end up endangering the very people they claim to protect – Ordinary, everyday Gazans. These rockets land among the very people they claim to be the shield of and is therefore an indiscriminate attack on a civilian population, hiding behind the cloak of a civilian population, which is a double war crime committed by the terrorist organizations, while assaulting the city of Jerusalem, a city considered sacred by many.
    Currently, millions of civilians are under intense rocket fire in central Israel.  Tel Aviv, Holon, Netanyah, Raanana, and other cities are under the very same threat. Ben Gurion Airport has halted inbound and outbound flights and schools have been closed in many parts of the country and 1 million Israeli children cannot attend school.
    In response to these attacks, the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) has launched “Operation Guardian of the Walls” to combat terror.  The IDF has retaliated against Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. Israel has called up 5,000 IDF reserve troops into active duty to protect the citizens against wanton aggression.
    Israel has, had and will take any action necessary to protect its citizens and will not allow terrorist organizations to attack civilians in Israel without a response. This is the sacred duty of any sovereign nation, and that is also Israel’s responsibility to its very citizens. Israel remains committed to international law and fully abides by it. Unfortunately, even though Israel follows law and order, Hamas has not.
    This week’s events are part of a wave of terror orchestrated and led by Hamas (sponsored by Iran) and are the result of reckless and irresponsible incitement to commit violence. Senior members of the Hamas terror organization have made public calls for violence, most notably, senior Hamas Official Fathi Hammad encouraging innocent Palestinians to “buy knives and cut off the heads of the Jews”.
    Israel has taken every step possible in the last few weeks to prevent escalation, unrest, and violence, and to ensure the freedom of worship in Jerusalem. The Supreme Court decided to postpone the hearing in Sheikh Jarrah, the Police Commissioner has decided to prohibit the entrance of Jews to the Temple Mount, and the police decided to cancel Flag Day March in Jerusalem. All of these efforts to relieve tensions have only been answered with more violence and acts of terror.
    We call on the International Community to unequivocally condemn and demand that the Palestinians cease their rocket fire as well as terror activities against Israeli civilians, to recognize Israel’s right to protect its citizens, and to work with the Palestinian Authority to immediately stop the incitement and violence.
    The State of Israel appreciates the support and solidarity of its allies during these difficult times and it is our earnest hope that there will be peace in our time.
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