
Visit by Deputy Prime Minister Teo to Israel

  •   Visit by Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security, Teo Chee Hean
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    DPM Teo in Israel DPM Teo in Israel Copyright: Ministry of Communications and Information Singapore

    Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean visited Israel and met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Both leaders reaffirmed the strong bilateral cooperation, in areas such as security, education, research and development, and technical cooperation, and discussed ways to further expand those relations.

    They had a useful exchange of views on regional and international developments.



    DPM Teo also met with the Leader of the Opposition Tzipi Livni. They welcomed the excellent relations between Singapore and Israel, and had a useful exchange of views on domestic and regional developments, including the Middle East Peace Process.

     DPM Teo received a briefing by the Israel Cyber National Directorate on cybersecurity issues. Given the transboundary and cross-cutting nature of cybersecurity, both sides had a productive discussion and shared best practices.

    DPM Teo reiterated Singapore’s consistent and longstanding position on a two-state solution, while supporting Israel’s right to live within secure borders and in peace, and also the right of the Palestinian people to a homeland.


    DPM Teo was accompanied by Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs) (Trade and Industry) Dr Tan Wu Meng, and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore, and other agencies.

    Dr Tan met with Dr. Appelbaum, Chief Scientist and head of Israel Innovation Authority Chairman at the Israel Innovation Authority