Military status
Apply to register personal details or defer
your IDF military service for citizens living abroad
Israeli citizens
living abroad who are eligible for military service can use this service to
regularize their status to defer service with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
Who can apply
The service is
provided to Israeli citizens or permanent residents of the State of Israel who
are more than 16 years and four months of age who live abroad or are staying
abroad temporarily.
How to apply
Application form - Print out and fill out by hand
the Registering or deferring military service for Israeli citizens staying
abroad form. The form must be filled out completely
and signed by the applicant.
Parents' passports - enclose copies of both parents' passports
(Israeli and non-Israelis).
Applicant's passport - enclose a copy of your Israeli passport.
Apply by mail (address below)
For more information
about how to apply & form
How to apply
Application form - Print out and fill out by hand the Registering
or deferring military service for Israeli citizens staying
abroad form. The form must be filled out completely
and signed by the applicant.
Parents' passports - enclose copies of both parents' passports
(Israeli and non-Israelis).
Applicant's passport - enclose a copy of your Israeli passport.
Applicant's foreign if he/she has one.
Send all documents via email.
Please note – If the parents are divorced, and
one of the parents lives in Israel, you must also submit divorce documents
highlighting the section that indicates the parent living abroad has custody of
the child.