Дипломатический семинар МИД Израиля
  •   Дипломатический семинар МИД Израиля для молодых лидеров еврейской диаспоры

    Дипломатический семинар для молодых лидеров еврейской диаспоры - это ежегодная учебная программа министерства иностранных дел Израиля и предназначенная для еврейских юношей и девушек со всего мира, обладающих выдающимися качествами будущих лидеров.
    В этом году семинар состоится в июле и предназначен для молодежи в возрасте от 26 до 37 лет из еврейских общин со всего мира.


    Israel Foreign Ministry Diplomatic Seminar
    Israel Foreign Ministry Diplomatic Seminar for Young Jewish Leaders
    The Diplomatic Seminar for Young Jewish Leaders is a study program conducted annually by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs for young Jewish men and women of outstanding leadership potential.

    The coming seminar will take place between July 6-17, 2014 and is open to participants aged 26-37 from Jewish communities around the world.
    The Diplomatic Seminar imparts analytical tools for understanding the political and national security challenges facing Israel, and insight into the society, economy and culture of the Jewish-democratic state. The seminar program will include lectures, workshops, cultural events and study tours in order to explore these and other topics and to expose participants to the rich fabric of Israeli life. Particular attention will be paid to challenges facing the Jewish people as a whole: demography and Jewish continuity, the combat against anti-Semitism, and the relationship between Israel and the Jewish Diaspora.
    The Diplomatic Seminar for Young Jewish Leaders is conducted under the auspices of the Department for Jewish Communities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The language of instruction is English.

    The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs will cover full board and lodging for participants, as well costs of seminar excursions in Israel. Participants are responsible for covering their travel costs to and from Israel.
    Participation in the Diplomatic Seminar is competitive. Completed registration forms should be submitted to the   Embassy  of Israel  to   Russian  Federation.
    Please, email  your completed registration  form  to  press-sec@moscow.mfa.gov.il   not later than April 15, 2014.
    With  kind regards,