Consular services and information

Consular Services and Information


    Consular services for Israeli Citizens abroad
    Consular forms and tables (for download)
    Visas to Israel

    a. Address of the mission

    Partizansky ave. 6A
    Minsk 220033, Republic of Belarus

    b. Reception hours for consular services

    Monday - Friday 10:00 - 13:00

    The Embassy will be closed for the following Jewish and local holidays 2022:

    01 January: New Year

    07 January: Orthodox Christmas

    07-08 March: International Women's Day

     22 April: Passover

    05 May: Israel Independence Day

    2-3 May: International Workers’ Day

    09 May: Victory Day

    06 June: Shavuot

    26-27 September: Rosh ha Shana

    05 October: Yom Kippur

    10-11 October: Sukkot

    17-18 October: Simhat Torah

    7 Novermber - October Revolution Day

    c. Telephone reception hours for consular services

    +375 17 330 25 10, +375 17 330 25 15 (consultation hours 10:00-12:00, 13:00 – 17:00)

    d. Jurisdiction

    Republic of Belarus

    e. Security instructions for people who wish to obtain consular services at the mission offices

    1. Please bring your national passport (you will not be allowed at the Embassy if presenting any other type of a document). The case of larceny/lost of a national passport of an Israeli citizen will be considered individually.

    2. Every visitor and his belongings will be required to undergo a security check.

    3. For security purposes, no personal objects will be allowed into the mission, including handbags, mobile phones and electronic devices.

    4. Do not bring large handbags or suitcases to the mission.

    5. Do not bring food and/or beverage bottles or containers.

    6. The mission’s security directives apply to people in the consular waiting room. The instructions of the security staff must be obeyed at all times.

    f. Mailing materials to the mission

    To apply for any consular services you should come to the Embassy in person.

    Sending any consular /notary documents to the embassy is prohibited.

    The sender is responsible for the material mailed to the mission.

    g. Verification of public documents

    Verification by means of apostille

    In 1978, Israel signed and ratified the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents - 1961 (hereinafter: the Hague Convention). The purpose of this Convention was to shorten the processes required for a particular country to recognize the official documents issued by another country, by means of apostille certification.

    Public documents and certificates that were issued in one of the countries that are signatories to the above Convention, and which bear the apostille stamp, are valid for presentation in Israel, without the need for additional verification / certification by the diplomatic / consular representative at the Israeli mission.

    Additionally, for countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention, no additional verification is required by the mission consul of the country for which the document is designated, if it was stamped with an apostille in Israel.

    With regard to a list of the countries that signed the Convention, and details about the authority competent to grant apostille certification in each country, as well as additional information, click the following link

    In the Republic of Belarus, apostil’s signature has to be got only at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus or at The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

    h. Contacts and inquiries about improving the service provided to the citizens

    • Email can be sent to the following addresses:

    e-mail in Hebrew:
    e-mail in Russian, English:

    j. The main laws of the State of Israel on which consular work abroad is based, are as follows:

    • The Law of Return, 5710 - 1950 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Entry into Israel Law, 5712 - 1952 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Law of Citizenship, 5712 - 1952 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Passports Law, 5712 - 1952 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Names Law, 5716 - 1956 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Population Registration Law, 5725 - 1965 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Notaries Law, 5736 - 1976 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Defense Service Law (Consolidated Version), 5747 - 1986 and the authority to implement it abroad - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    • The Crime Register and Rehabilitation of Offenders Law, 5741 - 1981 - with all the amendments thereto over the years.

    k. Details of the Jewish Agency aliya emissary

    Below are details on the Jewish Agency emissary in your area:

    The Jewish Agency For Israel tel. : +375 17 289 38 15 / +375 17 200 36 93

    For more details click here

    m. Local characteristics

    1. To enter the Republic of Belarus (the State of Israel) an Israeli citizen (a Belarusian citizen) does not need a visa.
    2. After entering the Republic of Belarus, an Israeli citizen should carry the passport with him/her at all times for the purpose of identification and carrying for registration during your stay.