Philippine-Israel Center for Agricultural Training
The formal launching of the PICAT Project took place on June 19, 2006 held in CLSU, Munoz, Nueva Ecija. Working with the government of Israel are the Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV) and the Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation (CINADCO).
On the other hand, the government agencies and organizations from the Republic of the Philippines include Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Nueva Ecija Provincial Government, and other Local Government Units.
Dr. Eugene Baltazar, PICAT Coordinator, and Mr Navot Hakhlay
The project aims to establish a coordinative extension and training center in agriculture and allied fields in the region that will promote farm productivity, profitability, and sustainability, thereby contributing to the betterment of living standards of farm families and their communities.
Deputy Chief of Mission, Yaniv Revach, and Mayor of Llanera, Nueva Ecija, Lorna Mae B. Vero showcasing an Israeli giant-variety eggplant
The first phase of the PICAT Project has been piloted in Nueva Ecija, the largest of the seven provinces of Central Luzon region. Its vision is to become the country’s food basket, hence, a project like PICAT is a welcome necessity.
Due to the success of the pilot phase in Nueva Ecija, a new Memorandum of Agreement was once again signed between the State of Israel and the Republic of the Philippines. This launched the second phase of the project which is being replicated in various Region 3 provinces such as Pampanga, Tarlac, Bulacan, Zambales, to name a few.
With the signing of the third phase of the PICAT Project, several provinces around the country were included in the Implementation Agreement where vegetable production was found to be feasible. This includes the province of Bohol, Mt. Province, Cebu and Laguna.

His Excellency, Ambassador Menashe Bar-On and Department of Agrarian Reform Secretary, Honorable Virgilio Reyes
Since the PICAT Project was launched in June 2006, more than 100 Filipinos, comprised of farmers and DAR officials, have been trained in Israel on special courses regarding vegetable production and post-harvest technologies. Moreover, more than 1,000,000,000 assorted genetically engineered seeds of high quality have been donated to the participating provinces.

Ambassador Bar-On and Licab Mayor Wilfredo S. Domingo open a greenhouse
PICAT’s current state of affairs goes beyond the relationship of the two nations but rather the perception of each proponent involved in the project and their motivation to further its success.