


    Dance in Israel has developed in two directions: expansion of the Jewish folk dance genre; and the establishment of art dance, leading to stage productions created by professional choreographers and performed by trained dancers. Dance as an art form was introduced in the country in the 1920s by newly arrived teachers and devotees of dance from the cultural centres of Europe. After the establishment of the state, it was developed to a high professional level by a number of ensembles; each founded on the basis of a different orientation and style, influenced by Israel’s diverse and varied social, religious and cultural backgrounds. Today more than a dozen major professional dance companies, most of them based in Tel Aviv, perform a varied repertoire throughout the country and abroad. 

  • Israeli Dance Institutions

    • Sheketak Group was founded in 1997 by Zahi Patish and Danny Rachom. The group consisted of 5 guys that created a show combining live music and dance...
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    • Noa Dar Dance Group was founded in Tel Aviv in 1993, By Noa Dar and 8 dancers, partners to the creation process and to the development of a unique movement and visual language...
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    • ‘Ido Tadmor: The Company’ was created in 1995 to present Ido Tadmor’s choreographies. The company was formed of the most professional dancers of Israel...
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    • Posted by Deborah Friedes Galili: Jasmin Vardimon started her promising dance career right here in Israel, performing with the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company while venturing into choreo ...
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    • Fresco Dance group was established in 2002 by Yoram Karmi, and has two ensembles that perform in front of adults as well as children and youth. The group’s style varies and is made up of di ...
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