Liat Dror Nir Ben Gal – The Company

Liat Dror Nir Ben Gal – The Company

    Liat Dror and Nir Ben Gal are a duo of dancers\choreographers. They first burst onto the stage with Two Room Apartment in 1987, and they continued to create a stir with their choreography throughout the 1990s. In the year 2000, realizing that dance, as a way of life, cannot coexist with the reality surrounding them, the couple moved with the company to Mitzpe-Ramon in the heart of the desert, believing that this change would create the union of dance and therapy. In Mitzpe-Ramon they established Adama, a dance and movement centre which serves as the company home base as well. “We wanted to live a life without separation, so dance would be a part of our daily life and not a detached art that demands a competitive and hectic life. We wanted to return to dance from a place of dedication, discipline and love”. “Air Field”, an acrobatic and music dance show that deals with relationships and love, is their latest unique production.

    Visit Adama’s website